Final Practicum Essay

***I am supposed to remind you that my work in the second semester more than makes up for my work completed in the first part of the semester.

I really enjoyed having a practicum as part of the Introduction to Environmental Policy curriculum.  I ended up participating in a number of activities that let me apply what I learned in class to the real world, allowing myself to take greater ownership of my studies and knowledge.  My practicum work manifested in a number of ways.  This semester I (1) attended a number of lectures at the Academy of Sciences [5 hours], (2) joined the Environmental Club [6 hours], (3) secured a position on the Environmental Club’s E-Board next year as Project Manager [2 hours], (4) designed a full-scale garden plan for a new vegetable garden at Fordham Lincoln Center [22 hours], (5) attempted to compost and garden with the Church of St. John the Apostle [4 hours], (6) helped prepare St. Rose’s Garden for the spring with Jason Aloisio [4 hours], (7) had meetings with Fordham facilities members [14 hours] and (8) got sanction to do a number of environmental friendly projects at the start of next fall [6 hours], including a sustainability station and board, composting for the entire McMahon Residence Hall, and possibly obtaining a fleet of reusable grocery carts/baskets for student use [will spend 3 entire days at the start of the year setting these projects up and will compost people’s compost every week for the rest of the year].  After completing all of these things, I haven’t only cemented my knowledge from class but I have also made vast improvements to my character and work ethic.

Finding something meaningful to do for my practicum was harder than I initially thought it would be.  At first, I wanted to join the Environmental Club at Lincoln Center.  However, they did not meet very often and I didn’t have much of a chance to enough practicum work to fulfill the requirement.  So I asked myself, how could I contribute? At first I attended the lectures at the New York Academy of Sciences.  I know that attending a series of lectures doesn’t seem like it counts that much for my practicum, but I consider it important because attending those lectures was the first action I took to try and integrate my course material with life outside of class.  That action of attending the lectures spring boarded me into trying new things to apply my studies outside the classroom, the next activity of which was which was securing a position on the Environmental E-Board as Project Manager.  All of the sudden I immersed myself into all the different kinds of projects we could do with the student body and how I could make a difference in my immediate community become so much realer of a reality as a result.  I participated in the clothing swap, the vegan potluck, and more.  From what I learned at events like the vegan potluck (mixed with my newfound understanding of the food industry from Food INC) have now cut out red meat from my diet and I am going to try and transition into a vegetarian lifestyle.  I know how much regularly eating meat contributes to my ecological footprint.  As project manager I felt responsible for making a big difference on campus; my job as project manager denotes the need for action and making a difference in the real, immediate world.  So after far too many meetings with various departments, I can proudly say that I am going to outfit McMahon Hall with a ‘Sustainability Station’.  This station is in a very popular section of the resident hall and will consist of an informational board with all of the Environmental Clubs announcements, activities, and notices as well as a large credenza with places for people to drop off their electronics, batteries, paper bags, and other items that can be reused and/or recycled at local businesses and organizations nearby (but not in the regular recycling).  That way it will be easy for residents to make healthy choices.  We will also use this board as a place to offer information to residents about their ecological footprint and how they can live more sustainably.  Also, we will be launching a residence hall-wide composting program.   Residents can compost in their individual apartments and members of the Environmental Club will collect their compost and drop it off at local farmers markets nearby to be composted properly.

A number of things that I learned about the environment in class came into view in my practicum, and of these things, nothing was more prevalent than vast amount of roadblocks that try to hinder people from getting sustainable measures passed in local communities.  I thought it would be so simple to get compost containers in the cafeteria or to start a food sharing program between Fordham and the Church but there were a lot more economic, political, and logistical problems to consider.  And worldviews!  The heads of Sodexo definitely have a Environmental Management worldview.  When I asked them about making their company more green, the only things they would talk about is how they are using new computer systems or updating their labels, prices, and materials to increase their sustainability, but all of their efforts had to honor economics above everything.  They said they ‘wanted to go green’ but they ‘could only go green within budget’.  Not only that, but even after I offered to do all of the work to sort though composting they said they didn’t want to deal with the liabilities.

I became very passionate about setting up our own sustainability station in McMahon after reading Miller’s account of our solid and hazardous waste management.  According to the core cast study, e-waste, or the throwing out of old and broken electronics, is the fastest-growing solid waste problem in the world.  Americans alone discard an estimated 155 million cell phones, 48 million personal computers, and even more television sets, iPods, Blackberries, Fax machines, printers, and more.   Not only does the production of technology like IPhones and TVs have a large carbon footprint (destroying entire ecosystems to mine for minerals, using up fossil fuels to make plastics and packaging, and emitting CO2 to create and transport the products), but then people dump their technology after less than five years time into a landfill, furthering the detriment of the environment.  That’s why students will be able to recycle their electronics at the sustainability station and that’s why there will be information on the board about how bad the production of electronics is for the environment.  In fact, I want to commission graphic designers and visual arts majors from Fordham to paint/apply large informational murals in the stairwells to raise awareness of environmental issues.  This got me thinking about all of the social problems that exist in environmental destruction.  The inability for an institution like Fordham Unviersity to do things like compost is not just an economic or an environmental problem, but a psycho-social problem as well; what it means to be a responsible human in our modern age.  Why do we do things they way we do? Why do we feel OK to trash the planet?  What about our consciousness wants a BMW more than an Amazonian rainforest? We live in an unapologetically wasteful culture that is praise in the media and it continues to encourage people to live an extravagant lifestyle.

I also had increased zeal to start urban farming and organic cooking classes at Lincoln Center after watching Food INC.  I have learned a lot about how organic and well-designed farming can be sustainable and I want to employ those principles in Fordham’s community garden if I get the chance.  I know that we can make and use our own compost to (1) save putting more crap in our landfills and (2) give life-sustaining nutrients back into the land to replenish the quality of the soil.  I know we should plant a diversity of crops to avoid the monoculture farming that pervades modern industrial agriculture and efficient drip houses can have up to a 95 percent efficiency distribution (instead of China’s popular flood irrigation process, which wastes exorbitant amounts of water).  As a result of my classwork, I also understand how using unsafe chemicals and fertilizers, even in a city setting, can make their way into our waterways, put too much nitrogen in the water, and choke our water ecosystems.  Another unseen problem of modern industrial agriculture is the distance it has to travel before it gets into our homes.  Shipped by boat, truck, and plane, getting our food from long distances away and overseas is dangerous for our nation’s food security, burns an insane amount of fossil fuels, and emits a crazy amount of CO2 in the air, further increasing the urban heat island effect (which can cause mortal health affects in the population) and eating away at our precious ozone layer.  Protecting our ozone layer is the key to our survival and our current food systems heavily exacerbate global warming.  Projects like a community garden are small but necessary steps for a nation to change their consciousness and relationship to their food, their waste, and the natural world.

BLOG POST 14: Water Pollution and Solid and Hazardous Waste


Chinese boy swimming in trash

“Today everybody is downwind or downstream from somebody else” – William Ruckelshaus

Water pollution can cause serious harm to living organisms or make the water unfit for human uses.  Like air pollution, water pollution can be traced to point sources that discharge pollution from a specific location (examples include factory and sewage plant pipes, underground mines, and oil tankers), and nonpoint sources that discharge pollution from broad and diffuse areas (examples include runoff chemicals and sediments from agricultural land, logged forests, urban streets and parking lots, lawns, and golf courses.  Pollutions sources that are nonpoint are much more difficult to control for logistical, political, economic, and practical reasons.  The top three most villainous human activities that pollute our waterways are agricultural activities, industrial facilities, and mining.

Polluted water has many detrimental effects.  Organisms, including humans, are susceptible to chemical and waterborne, infectious diseases, deplete oxygen, cause excessive algae growth, disrupt photosynthesis and food webs, cause cancer, disrupt immune and endocrine systems, and fatally add toxins to aquatic systems.  Diseases commonly passed on to humans include typhoid fever, cholera, poliomyelitis, giardiasis, and more.

Diagram of the oxygen sag curve.... point of discharge is the area where pollutants first enter the water

Diagram of the oxygen sag curve…. point of discharge is the area where pollutants first enter the water

However, water pollution does not affect every type of water system in the same way.  Take water pollution in streams and lakes for example.  Streams are naturally good at cleansing themselves of pollution by diffusing toxic chemicals downstream.  However, this process fails to function when streams have too much pollution and when that pollution is not degradable, oxygen-demanding waste.  In the specific case of streams, breaking down stream pollution creases a oxygen sag curve that transforms normal clean water ecosystems into (1) a decomposition zone that can only foster life for a select number of pollution tolerant fishes, (2) a septic zone that can only support fungi, bacteria, and sludge worms, and (3) a recovery zone that resembles a decomposition zone.  Luckily, even rivers that have suffered from a great deal of pollution, such as the Cuyahoga River in Ohio or the Thames River in Great Britain, can be significantly helped with a combination civilian pressure and government action.  This is good to know because half of the world’s 500 major rivers are heavily polluted.  As for lakes, too little mixing and low water flow make lakes and reservoirs vulnerable to water pollution as well.  With no flow or mixing, contaminants simply sit in the water and easily start to fester.  Another problem for lakes, as seen in the Lake Washington Core Case Study, is eutrophication, or the nutrient enrichment of a lake.  Eutrophication is a natural process that is actually good for many lakes, but with an increase of water pollution, eutrophication can quickly overpower a lake and strangle the lake’s ecosystems in algae blooms.

Underneath the surface, groundwater is also affected by contaminants. Over half of Americans get their drinking water from groundwater sources, so any kind of groundwater pollution has the potential to cause serious and widespread health hazards for millions of people.  Unlike rivers, groundwater is not very good and cleansing itself.  Chemicals that infiltrate groundwater seep into the aquifer’s porous and sponge-like water capture and stay there for a long time.  It’s very costly to remove pollution that has infected groundwater sources for this reason.  Groundwater also doesn’t have as much oxygen available to help decompose contaminants and moves less than a meter a day (so it takes a long time for contaminants to diffuse.  For places like China, where groundwater provides drinking water to over 70 percent of its citizens, groundwater pollution can have terrible affects for human populations.  This pollution can come from a variety of sources including agriculture, industry, transportation, and homes.  Since it can take thousands of years for groundwater to cleanse itself, the best way of protecting water is preventing pollution from entering groundwater sources.  Some preventative solutions to stop groundwater contamination include finding substitutes for toxic chemicals, installing monitoring wells near landfills and underground tanks, requiring leak detectors on underground tanks, banning hazardous waste disposal in landfills and injection well, and storing harmful liquids in aboveground tanks with leak detection and collection systems.  Interestingly, several cities (including New York) have started to invest in protecting entire watersheds instead of building water purification plants.  This is also a cost-effective strategy because water treatment plants are extremely expensive to build and maintain.

Ocean pollution can hurt native wildlife like this turtle

Ocean pollution can hurt native wildlife like this turtle

Oceans are also affected by water pollution.  Ocean pollution is perhaps the least understood or talked about form of water pollution because people commonly perceive the ocean as an endless body of water that can serve as humanity’s eternal dumping ground without causing any overwhelming environmental problem.  However, this assumption could not be any further from the truth.  80-90 percent of all municipal sewage from most costal areas in less-developed countries are dumped into oceans without treatment.  There are a number of preventative solutions to ocean pollution including the reduction of toxic pollutant input, the separation of sewage and storm-water capture lines, the ban of sewage dumping by ships, the regulation of coastal development and oil drilling (especially considering all the damage that companies like Exxon Mobil and British Petroleum have had on the world’s oceans), and the requirement for double hulls on oil tankers.  Cleanup solutions for coastal water pollution include the usage of nanoparticles to dissolve the oil or sewage, the requirement of secondary coastal sewage treatment, and the use of wetlands, solar-aquatic, or other methods to treat sewage.

Solid and Hazardous Waste

“Solid wastes are only raw materials we’re too stupid to use” – Arthur C. Clarke

Shredded solid waste

Shredded solid waste

Unlike the natural world, humans have created large amounts of solid and hazardous waste.  Waste does not exist in nature; waste is purely nutrients.  The natural world operates under a comprehensive recycling system that is emblematic of the third principle of sustainability.   Solid waste is any unwanted or discarded material that humans produced that is not a liquid or a gas.  There are two types of soil waste including industrial solid waste, or waste produced by mines, farms, and other industries, and municipal solid waste (MSW), or waste that is produced by homes and workplaces.  Most industrial nations burn their MSW or bury their MSW in landfills but developing nations usually discard their MSW in open areas for poor people to filter through them and scavenge for things to repurpose and sell.  After solid waste, the other major waste form is hazardous waste.  According to Miller, hazardous waste or toxic waste threatens human health because it is poisonous, dangerously chemically reactive, corrosive, radioactive, and/or flammable.  Examples of these kinds of wastes could be industrial solvents, hospital medical waste, car batteries, household pesticide products, dry cell batteries, and incinerator ash.  More developed countries produce 80-90 percent of the world’s hazardous waste and the United States is the highest producer.  Also according to Miller, the two greatest reasons to reduce solid and hazardous wastes are that at least three fourths of these mateirals represent an unnecessary consumption of the earth’s resources (in violation of the chemical cycling principle of the three principles of sustainability) and the manufacturing of the products that become waste contribute large amounts of air pollution, greenhouse gases, water pollution, land degradation, and ocean pollution.

So how should we deal with solid waste? Miller says that a sustainable approach is first to reduce it, then to reuse or recycle it, and finally to safely dispose of what is left.  In waste reduction, humans produce much less waste and pollution and the wastes we do produce are considered to be potential resources that we can reuse, recycle or compost.  In waste management, people attempt to control wastes in ways that reduce their environmental harm without seriously truing to reduce the amount of waste produced.  Many specialists advocate for a system that integrates waste management with reduction, or integrated waste management.

Some cities have banned the use of plastic bags in grocery stores

Some cities have banned the use of plastic bags in grocery stores

There is a large movement that started a few decades ago to reuse and recycle many of the materials humans discard as waste.  The concept is that reusing items decreases the consumption of matter and energy required for the production of new products, thereby reducing pollution and natural capital degradation in one, fell swoop.  Recycling items does the same thing to a somewhat lesser extent.  One prime example of reusing products is the movement to ban plastic bags at grocery stores and opt for reusable, cloth bags (in my personal life, I simply take my own grocery cart with me to the store, load up my food, and carry home in the cart without a bag of any kind).

There are two types of recycling.  Primary (closed loop) recycling melts down materials into products of the same material type and secondary recycling converts waste materials into different products.  While some regions operate mixed materials recovery facilities (MRFs), having households sort their own recycling saves more energy, provides more jobs per unit of material, and yields cleaner and usually more valuable recyclables.  However, like everything recycling has advantages and disadvantages.  Some critics argue that recycling is costly and adds to the taxpayer burden in communities where recycling is funded through taxation.  But proponents of recycling say that the net economic, health, and environmental benefits far outstrips the initial costs of recycling.

Some people advocate for burning and burying solid waste.  MSW is burned in more than 600 large waste-to-energy incinerators, which use the heat generated to boil water and make steam for heating water or space and producing electricity.  While these incinerators do reduce trash volume, produce energy, concentrate hazardous substances into ash for burial, and sell energy to reduce the cost, they also are expensive to build, produce a great amount of hazardous waste, emits some CO2 and other air pollutants, and encourages waste production.  As far as burying waste goes, there are two major options.  One option is the open dump, which simply deposits solid waste into a sparsely lined hole in the ground and is the system that China uses for 85 percent of its solid waste, and the other option is the sanitary landfill, which spreads out solid wastes in compacted levels interspersed with layers of clay and kept together with strong double liners along the bottoms and sides of the landfills to collect liquids that leach from them.  Some of these landfills are also capable of harvesting methane.  While Sanitary landfills have low operating cost, can handle large amounts of waste, and filled land can be used for other purposes, they also have a huge release of greenhouse gases, create large amounts of noise, traffic, and dust, can eventually leak, and encourage waste production.

A vegetative buffer between a farm and stream

A vegetative buffer between a farm and stream

I think that the best way to deal with water pollution and to reduce solid waste is by taking a multi-pronged, preventative approached.  For water pollution that means preventing contaminants from coming into contact with water sources, cutting resource use and waste, reducing poverty, and slowing population growth.  Since so much of water pollution comes from agricultural activities, farmers need to reduce their soil erosion by keeping their cropland covered with vegetation and using other soil conservation methods.  They also should reduce the amount of fertilizer that runs off into surface waters by using slow release fertilizer and using absolutely no fertilizer of any kind on steeply sloped land.  Buffer zones of vegetation between cropland and rivers also would help.  There should be governmental incentives for farmers who comply with these techniques and penalties for those farmers who are major polluters.  Also, since there are currently no regulations on the disposal of coal ash, measures should be taken to strengthen the Clean Water Act that shift the focus of the law to preventative solutions, regulating the quality of irrigation water, and monitoring current systems for any leaks or problems.

Also, even though I recognize how helpful sewage treatment plants are (and I will continue to condone their creation for the time being), I think the creation of new sewage treatment plants needs to be phased out and replaced with measures to protect their entire watershed with green infrastructure, wetland restoration, and regulations on chemical dumping.  Natural processes are a much more natural form of pollution cleanup than treatment plants and create habitats for other organisms and ecosystems to flourish.  Also, natural systems of filtering pollution are much more cost effective to build and maintain.  And like any solution, people need to be educated about how their lifestyle choices affect their water systems.  The need to change the way we deal with water could not be clearer to me than after seeing those pictures from Midway: Message from the Gyre.  Seeing the mangled bodies of birds consuming bottle caps and lighters breaks my heart (and is another reason why I need to safely recycling every plastic product I purchase).

Although there are many methods of dealing with solid waste that are much better for the environment than landfills (such as composting and recycling) I think the greatest thing to for governments, businesses, and citizens to emphasizes is cutting down how much we consume.  So much of what we buy ends up in a landfill after only a few years and most of what we buy isn’t even necessary to have in the first place.  My friend owns over 50 pairs of shoes.  Who, who, who in their right mind needs that many pairs of shoes? That’s a sin.  And there is no better resource at our disposal than frugality, gratitude for the simply things in life, and consumption reduction.  Sometimes I think people purchase so much material things to make up for the sadness and disenchantment they feel with life.  I wish people could see how beautiful the surrounding world its.

Watching the sunset is a great alternative to purchasing over 50 pairs of shoes for personal satisfaction

Watching the sunset is a great alternative to purchasing over 50 pairs of shoes for personal satisfaction

We should swap out our joy for buying new shoes into our joy for watching the sunset, or our joy for playing in the park, or our joy for running with the family dog.  Not rejecting green technology (because that will be a necessary part of reversing global warming), but perhaps the best shift our country can make isn’t toward green technologies as much as it is about a healthy spirit that is grateful for the world and things around them and doesn’t want to have an unsustainable amount of material goods at their disposal to make them happy.

BLOG POST 13: Climate Change and ‘An Inconvenient Truth’

Climate change is rapidly melting the polar ice caps

Climate change is rapidly melting the polar ice caps

Climate Change and An Inconvenient Truth

“Civilization has evolved during a period of remarkable climate stability, but this era id drawing to a close.  We are entering a new era, a period of raid and often unpredictable climate change” – Lester R. Brown

People often don’t realize how incredibly lucky humans are to have had such a stable climate over the past millennia.  After the Ice Age, climate conditions were very stabilized and favorable for human populations to domesticate animals and begin the agrarian revolution.  People didn’t’ have to worry about any drastic changes to the climate; they could rely on somewhat the same weather conditions every year and could predict when there would be rain, storms, or things of that matter.  That kind of reliability was suitable for agriculture, who as any historian knows, provided societies with the division of later and allowed great human civilizations to prosper.

However, humans might unfortunately not be able to count on such a stagnant climate anymore.  Because of negative human activity, the world’s climate is undergoing severe change in ways that might be irreversible.  Our population increases and advents in technology and industry have changed the world in a very physical way.  Old growth forests gave way to factories, ecosystems were polluted, and an increase in greenhouse gases is eating away at the ozone layer.


Al Gore in ‘An Inconvenient Truth’

According to Al Gore’s film, An Inconvenient Truth,  what gets humans into trouble is not what we don’t know… it’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so.  The earth is so big that we cannot impact it anymore.  Our most vulnerable part of our world is the atmosphere because it is so thin, thin enough that we are capable of changing its composition.

Early science teachers in college were first doing research about this in the 1960’s.  Their work inspired Gore to invest himself in environmental matters, enter politics, and follow in dad’s footsteps.  He spoke a great deal about the difficulty of getting politicians to do anything about this issue.  For Gore believes that environmental problems are truly the world’s most global issue.  All nations and continents the world’s glaciers have clearly and significantly melted and this problem alone will devastate the agricultural and drinking water source for many people who rely on the steady stream of glacier resources.   When there is more carbon dioxide, the temperature gets warmer.  The maps showed climate issues tracked back 650 thousand years.  Gore doesn’t consider this to be a political issue, but a moral issue.  We could see on the maps that show how there are indeed natural cycles of undulating waves of increased and decreased temperature and change in climate (as many people say, this is just another cycle we are going through), but our carbon levels are so much higher than it has ever been in the earth’s 650 thousand year recorded history, quite literally going across the charts.

Even the seas are warming up and when warmed up it makes larger storms. We are experiencing fiercer storms, all time records for typhoons, earthquakes, and other natural disasters.  The question then becomes how are we going to react to leading scientists in the world.  Winston Churchill once said, “The era of procrastination or half measures of soothing and baffling…” in an age when people ignored his storm warnings.  Gore also talks about how climate change is exacerbated with the conveyerbelt of ocrean currents that runs across the Atlantic Ocean.  This conveyer belt of the gulfstream draws warm water up to warm Ireland and western Europe.   If Greenland melts, the gulf stream could be changed.  Species would be lost. Coral would bleach.  Also if Greenland melted, cities could be majorly affected by flooding.

Diagram outlining the causes of global warming.

Diagram outlining the causes of global warming.

In addition to An Inconvenient Truth, Miller’s text has a lot of information to offer about climate change.  Global warming is not only possible; it’s certain. There is considerable scientific evidence that indicates that the world’s climate is drastically changing.  This change is due in part to natural effect and is due in part to human effects.  First Miller wants to explain how climate and weather are not the same thing. Weather denotes the atmospheric conditions of the world at a given moment whereas climate denotes a region’s general weather patterns that can be expected in different times of the year.  Next Miller, like And Inconvenient Truth, outlines that climate change is not new (changes in climate are common over time), but there is not change in climate in all of history that is as extensive as the one happening right now.  Our lives and climate heavily depend upon the natural greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to trap the sun’s energy and keep our climates warm and productive, but too many greenhouse gases can burn such a large hole in the ozone layer that the earth can loose it’s protective coating.  Human activities can emit large quantities of these greenhouse gases in our energy harvesting, transportation, industries, and more. Most important of these gas emissions is the emission of CO2.  Human altering to the carbon cycle (via burning forests and fossil fuels) has caused one of the greatest disruptions to the earth’s gas cycles and the ozone layer.  Waste heat also plays a large role in climate disruption.

There are many possible effects of a warmer atmosphere on the world’s natural processes and ecosystems.  Changes can be irreparable, having server and long-lasting consequences that include but are not limited to increased drought and flooding, rising sea levels, and firsts in the locations of croplands and wildlife habitats.  Drought occurs when evaporation from increased temperatures greatly exceeds precipitation for a prolonged period.  As droughts increase there will be increased decline of forest and plant survival which indirectly releases carbon dioxide into the environment because that vegetative matter is supposed to soak up carbon like a sponge. Less plants means more CO2 and more CO2 means more global warming. More global warming means more droughts, less plants, and a positive feedback loop of destroying the plant.  Ice, snow, and permafrost are also supposed to melt, which is dangerous because it raises sea levels (destroying coastal habitats and cities) and there will no longer be glaciers to reflect the sun’s energy, increasing the speed that global warming heats up the planet and exacerbating all the other issues that come with global warming.

However, there are some things that humans can do to try and counteract global warming and maintain the earth’s current climate and ecosystems.  Scientists say that humanity needs to avoid ecological tipping points, or moments where the changes in effect from global warming become so strong that they are irreversible.  There are three ways to try an deal with global climate disruption: act to slow it, try to reduce it’s harmful effects, or suffer.  Some preventative solutions are to cut fossil fuel use (especially coal), shift from coal to natural gas, improve energy efficiency, shift to renewable energy resources, transfer energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies to developing countries, reduce deforestation , use more sustainable agriculture and forestry, put a rice on greenhouse gas emissions, reduce poverty, and slow the population growth.  Some cleanup methods to slow climate disruption are to remove CO2 from smokestack and vehicle emissions, and to sequester CO2 by planting trees, using no-till cultivation, taking cropland out of production, put CO2 deep in the ground, and use animal feeds that reduce CH4 emissions from cows belching.  Governments have a lot of power to put measures in place to make some of these solutions reality. However, that often requires a lot of cooperation between parties, companies, politicians, civilians, and nations.  Regardless of how much the government does to slow global warming, there is a lot individuals can do, just by changing their lifestyles (conserving energy, not making extraneous purchases, buying organic, etc).  A common goal is to reduce carbon emissions by 50-85 percent by 2050.

A CFC chemical spray

A CFC chemical spray

Another factor that has exacerbated climate change is humanity’s widespread usage of certain chemicals.  Any reduction of the ozone layer in the stratosphere has the potential to allow more harmful ultraviolet radiation to reach the earth’s surface and chemicals that further climate change considerably are CFCs, or Freons.  These are chemically unreactive, odorless, nonflammable, nontoxic, and noncorrosive compounds that were inexpensive to manufacture and helpful in daily human life.  Examples of these chemicals are coolants in air conditioners, aerosol spray, electronic cleaners, fumigant for granaries, and gases used to make insulation and packaging.  Unfortunately these chemicals burn holes in the ozone layer and aren’t’ so great as previously thought.

I think we have been given enough scientific evidence to be fearful of climate change.  There is definite reason to worry about ozone depletion.  The possible damages of climate change are just as interdisciplinary and complicated as any environmental issue; in human health there is the danger for worse sunburns, more eye cataracts and skin cancers, and immune system suppressions.  For food and forests, there are reduced yields for some crops, reduced seafood supplies and decreased forest productivity.  For wildlife, there would be increase eye cataracts in some species, decreased populations of aquatic species, reduced populations of surface phytoplankton, and disrupted aquatic food webs.  As far as air pollution goes, there would be increase acid deposition, increased photochemical smog, and dehydration of outdoor paints and plastics.  All in all, the world would begin to more closely resemble Mars, which to me, is an absolute travesty.

MVC Adopt-an-Acre Makes Great Gift - Courier PressI think there is still time to reverse some of the bad effects of global warming if we want to hard enough.  Our first step to do so would be to stop production of those CFC chemicals.  We should make efforts to sequester CO2 and reestablish healthy ecosystems by planting more trees, making green corridors, and connecting revivified ecosystem reserves together.  Governments need to be on the ball and provide subsidies for companies that have environmentally ethical operations and for green technologies and for public transportation.  We need to design our cities and institutional structures to prioritize green modes of transportation and sustainable lifestyles.  Organic foods should not cost more than non-organic foods.  Everyone should be within walking or biking distance to a subway/bus and the subway/bus should operate on a reliable schedule.  We also need to increase the amount of respect and moderation we have toward our physical belongings.  That means not buying a new IPhone every year.  That means not using plastic bags at the store.  That means not purchasing toxin-stuffed carpet for the home and instead trying out a recycled rubber floor or bamboo. That means donating money to environmental organizations instead of buying electronics and toys for Christmas (a popular choice for my family every Christmas).  It’s all about the little things.

Question 1: Since we have technology to make compostable ‘plastic-like’ material, why don’t we use that for packaging in place of plastic?

Question 2: How can city planners design urban areas to facilitate healthy, sustainable living?

BLOG POST 12: Environmental Hazards, Human Health, and Air Pollution


Environmental Hazards and Human Health

Human activities do not only have to potential to hurt natural ecosystems, but also themselves.  Whether people are aware of it or not, people are often subjugated to many health hazards as the result of the way society interacts and tampers with the natural world.  Lung cancer, autism, and birth defects are just a few hazards people face that have causes that have been linked to human development and technologies.  Miller helps us answer what it means for humans to be ‘at risk’ of these hazards, describe what causes different kinds of hazards, and offers possible solutions to how humans might improve the safety of their environments.

When people are ‘at risk’, that means there is a level of possibility that they could suffer harm from a hazard, causing possible loss of health, wealth, and/or life.  The five major hazards include biological hazards (pathogens affecting the body), chemical hazards (in the air, water, soil, food, and human-made products), natural hazards (including all natural disasters), cultural hazards (including unsafe working/living conditions and assault), as well as lifestyle choices (what humans choose to do to themselves).  Humans can suffer from infectious diseases when pathogens invade the body and multiply in cells and tissues, either as a transmissible disease that moves person to person or a nontransmissible disease that develops slowly in the body.   Some major transmissible diseases that wreak havoc on global populations are pneumonia, flu, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and diarrheal diseases.  Interestingly, the leading cause of death has actually moved from transmissible to non-transmissible disease, particularly concerning cardiovascular health.  Regardless if disease is transmissible or not, solutions to mass disease include increasing research on tropical diseases and vaccines, reducing poverty, increasing the quality of living conditions, reducing unnecessary use of antibiotics, hand washing, medical education (especially sexual education),  and widespread immunization of the world’s children against viral diseases.

Neuron synapses like this are highly susceptible to damage by carcinogens

Neuron synapses like this are highly susceptible to damage by carcinogens

As for chemical hazards, which can cause temporary or permanent harm or death to humans an animals, commonly assume the form of three different types of toxic agents: carcinogens, mutagens, and teratogens.  Carcinogens are toxins that cause cancers, mutagens are toxins that cause mutations, and teratogens are toxins that cause harm or birth defects to embryos and fetuses.  In general, chemicals may do damage to different parts of the human body.  When exposed toxins over a long period of time, damage can be done to the nervous system… these chemicals that affect the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves are called neurotoxins.  Other toxins can affect the endocrine system, a system that is responsible for secreting tiny amounts of hormones into the bloodstream.  Chemical damage to the endocrine system often manifest in hormone blockers, gender benders, thyroid disrupters, and more.  There have been some government efforts by the United States and the FDA to limit chemical that damage the endocrine system, but those efforts have not been as complete as people think it can be.  For instance, the presence of BPAs in household products is currently a major issue.  Canada has classified BPAs as a toxic substance and has banned its use on baby bottles, but the US has not followed suit with the same sense of urgency.

People evaluate the toxicity and potential harm of a chemical in the study of toxicology.  Toxicology aims to assess the toxicity, or the level of harm, that a given substance can inflict so that people can avoid using harmful chemicals in product development.  Toxicity also measures what dosage, or amount of a chemical (if any at all), can be safely ingested or used in various products.   Often times scientists will use live laboratory animals as well as non-animal testing to estimate a chemical’s toxicity, some tests of which can last up to 5 years and cost up to 2 million dollars per substance tested.  Scientists can estimate a chemical’s toxicity using a dose-response curve (with thresholds or no thresholds).  Outside of the laboratory, people can assess the various health effects of chemicals through observations of people suffering from a chemical, filed most often by a physician as a case report.  For better or for worse, people are almost always in contact with some kind of toxin regardless of location, in the house, in the air, at work, at school, inside, outside, and almost everywhere.  Since people don’t know very much about chemical toxicity relatively, some people advocate for the precautionary principle when evaluating the safety of chemicals in products or locations, or the principle that plays it ‘safer than sorry’.  images (3)Pollution prevention efforts are often solutions that are philosophically in line with the precautionary principle and people argue about how much that principle should be applied.  Some organizations and nations don’t care too much about chemical toxicity and others do, for instance when the European Union’s enacted regulations called REACH (Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals) to put burden on the industry to use safe and approved chemicals.

Ecological economic framework is that there is an inseparable link between ecosystem health and human wellbeing.  Take that as an expression of health in a very wide sense, even if that chapter tends to be a little narrow. Chemical pollution, Climate Change (bugs can go into colder areas now that places have warmed up and people are susceptible to disease from bugs now), Ecosystem Disturbance, Antibiotic Overuse, Globalism/International Travel and Trade… connect all of these environmental problems to solid facts about it’s effect on human health.  H1N1, relatively fine but H1N5 is pretty nasty, increased in china right now due to increase contact with chickens.

Air Pollution


Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting.  We allow them to disperse because we’ve been ignorant of their value” Richard Buckminster Fuller.

Air pollution is one of the most itinerant forms of natural capital degradation.  Urban areas that spew toxic chemicals often catch in the air and drift across massive landscapes, national boundaries, oceans, and continents around the globe.  As stated by Miller, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that pollutants from northern China across the Pacific Ocean account for 25 percent of particulate matter, 77 percent of black carbon, and 33 percent of toxic mercury in Los Angeles, CA.  This makes air pollution not only an environmental issue, but a pressing international issue as well.

The atmosphere is composed of many layers, like a giant cake.  However, Miller’s discussion on air pollution primarily deals with only the atmosphere’s two innermost layers, the troposphere and the atmosphere.  With 75-80 percent of the earth’s air mass, the troposphere supports life and much of the remaining air mass is contained in the stratosphere, which houses the ozone layer, protecting the earth from the sun’s harmful UV rays.  99 percent of the earth’s air is composed of mostly two gases, nitrogen (78 percent) and oxygen (21 percent).

Not all pollution is caused by humans.  Natural processes like volcano eruptions emit pollutants into the air too.

Not all pollution is caused by humans. Natural processes like volcano eruptions emit pollutants into the air too.

When the air is polluted, it means that there are chemicals present in the atmosphere that have high enough of a concentration to harm surrounding organisms, ecosystems, and alter the climate.  These pollutants can come from both human and non-human sources.  Non-human sources include dust, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, and chemicals released by some plants.  These non-human sources are almost always absorbed into the environment without any problem, but the same cannot be said for human sources of pollution.  Human sources, mostly deriving from industrial areas, are mostly generated from non-renewable energy harvesting/burning in industrial factories, cars, and people.   Air pollution can be classified even further into primary pollutants, which are chemicals that are emitted directly in to the air from natural processes and human activates in high concentrations and secondary pollutants, which are primary pollutants that react with other natural components to form new and harmful substances.  Sometimes one kind of pollution, like urban photochemical smog, is a mixture of both primary and secondary pollutants.  Some major pollutants include carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides and nitric acid, sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid, particulates, ozone, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).  These pollutants are being added to the atmosphere faster than the earth’s natural chemical cycles can recycle them.  However, there are a number of possible solutions that have been generated to help alleviate, and hopefully reverse, the unsustainable production of these pollutants. These solutions are either classified as preventative or controlling.  Take lead pollution for example.  Methods that prevent pollution can include phasing out leaded gasoline worldwide and waste incineration, banning the use of lead in technological devices and other product development, and testing blood for lead early in childhood development, as early as age one.  Methods that control pollution include replacing lead plumbing/pipes and other lead materials from infrastructure and products, sharply reducing lead emissions from incinerators, testing for lead in existing ceramicware use do serve food, and washing fresh fruits and vegetables.

Many factors increase air pollution.  Urban buildings, hills and mountains can slow the wind’s dispersion of pollutants, high temperatures are ideal for chemical reactions that form photochemical smog, and emissions of volatile organic compounds from trees and plants in heavily wooded urban areas.   Some other things that increase pollution is the grasshopper effect, where air pollutants are transported across the globe at high altitudes to the world’s polar areas, and temperature inversions, which cause pollutants to rise to high levels.  There are many factors that can decrease air pollution.  According to Miller, particles that are heavier than air can settle out, rain and snow can cleanse the air, salty sea spray can wash out pollutants, wind can disperse pollutants away to different locations, and chemical reactions can remove pollutants as well.

Spruce trees damaged by acid rain

Spruce trees damaged by acid rain

Another problem is acid deposition, which is caused by coal-burning power plants and motor vehicle emission.  Acid depositions threaten human health as well as aquatic life, ecosystems, forests, and human-built structures. When coal-burning plants release sulfur dioxide, suspended particles, and nitrogen oxides high into the atmosphere via smokestacks, the pollutions spewed into the air can descend back onto the earth’s surface in the form of wet deposition, consisting of acidic rain, sow fog and cloud vapor and dry deposition, consisting of acidic particles.  Acid depositions can really wreck havoc on vegetation (especially on mountaintop forests) and groundwater.

Indoor pollutants are also a problem, especially in less-developed countries.  Indoor pollution especially attacks poor people because they are the ones who are often subjugated to poor working and living conditions in polluted and industrial areas, without enough capital to afford cleaner living arrangements.  Indoor pollution isn’t as talked about as outdoor pollution, but the EPA places indoor pollution at the top of the list of 18 sources of cancer and people are often surrounded by 2-18 times the pollution that exists in outdoor environments.

I believe the possible risks to human health are too high for industries to ignore the precautionary principle in the manufacturing of their products. Human health hazards that incur as the result of poor industrial production, such as lead poisoning, transgresses human rights; an extreme human as well as economic loss for a nation.  If I child gets poisoning from the chemicals used in their toys, any damage done to brain is almost irreparable and chemical poisoning of this kind only adds on the burgeoning struggle of the medical community to provide services to all its citizens. Simply put, we don’t have the time, energy, or money to deal with unnecessary failings of heath.

Mr. Yuk is a helpful way to identify dangerous products on the market

Mr. Yuk is a helpful way to identify dangerous products on the market

There are many steps I believe need to be taken to insure the health security of the worlds citizens.  Governments need to stop banning the usage of dangerous chemicals in products that enter the global market place and get in the hands of world citizens.  That doesn’t mean less government intervention that means more government intervention. Government officials should be able to survey a company and their facilities for how a product is made a test the implications of using new chemicals.  There should be no untested synthetic chemical on the market available for purchase, or if there is, that product is clearly marked.  As Miller astutely points out, this involves the constant application of risk analysis, or the identification of hazards and the evaluation of their associated risks.  These statistical probabilities must be based on past experience, testing and other research to estimate the risks from older technologies and chemicals that are on the mass market.  People should feel safe to know that the materials and products they surround themselves with are safe to use.  However, at the same time I believe the consumer is responsible for a few things.  They should not buy as many crappy products that they don’t need.  Who needs half of the things that Walmart or Toys R’ Us sells? We could avoid a lot of human health hazards by refusing to purchase products that are clearly made of synthetic products and replace the capital it takes to purchase such products and invest them in neighborhood parks or trips to nearby towns/vacation destinations.

There should also be a movement to educate citizens about how to avoid health hazards in the modern world.  With so many new products on the market, how is it possible to discern which products are good for us and which are bad for us?  What are good rules of thumb or indicators for the average citizen to abide by?  And what can the average citizen do to request that his or her government does more work to ban dangerous chemicals in the market?

Green urban planning

Green urban planning

Finally, we can avoid a great deal of health hazards by employing smart urban planning and  switching our sources of energy from non-renewable to renewable resources.  Human environments are terrible for human health when not enough attention is paid to creating healthy environments for people to live in.  There are simply not enough parks, street trees, streams and other natural systems, mass public transportation, and pre-existing wildlife to clean the air, maintain the earth’s natural processes, and reestablish a healthy ozone layer.  Buildings should be constructed greenly to avoid sending more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and they should not contribute more to climate change by harboring a city’s heat island effect (therefore, they should employ things like green walls, high density, green roofs, and make room for street trees).  Wildlife corridors must be connected otherwise the individual ecosystems die and fall apart.  Public transportation should connect all parts of the city so that people don’t have to burn fossil fuels to get around.  All these actions and more, taken collaboratively, can go a long way in mitigating human health hazards and ensure a longer, greater quality of life for the world’s people.

Question 1: What ways can I remove toxins from my own household?

Question 2: What method(s) of measuring toxicity are the most accurate?

BLOG POST 11: Non-Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy


Non-Renewable Energy

“Typical citizens of advanced industrialized nations each consumer as much energy in 6 months as typical citizens in less developed countries consume during their entire life” – Maurice Strong

What is energy? Essentially, energy is the ability to do work, and there are so many things that can do work for us and have an effect.  The world energy comes from the Greek word ‘energeia’ (refers to actuality vs. potentiality… something that is able to act or is acting… comes form the word ‘ergon’, work). Energy is natural capital.  Humans can only obtain energy from is nature and all of our energy is either directly or indirectly obtained from the sun.  Even our nonrenewable energy resources, such as fossil fuels, are made of plant and animal material and therefore would not exist if it weren’t for the sun.  Not too long ago, humanity’s main energy sources used to be natural water and wood.  But soon humanity would turn to more industrial (and nonrenewable) resources for energy, including coal, oil and most recently, nuclear energy.  Especially as humanity is considering nanotechnology as a means of harnessing energy, the world’s search for energy sources often takes a more high tech departure from what nature provides organically.

Miller explores nonrenewable energy in greater depth.   There are different levels of energy, ranging from high quality energy to low quality energy.  But of course, it takes a certain amount of energy to get energy in the first place.  Consider the following example.  Drilling for fossil fuels, a rich energy source, takes a lot of drilling energy to access it.  Hence, the most economical energy sources take little energy to access it.  In mass projects that try to harness energy sources, people often consider the project’s net energy value, or the amount of high quality energy available from an energy resource minus the amount of energy needed to make it available.  This also means that any project that has a low net energy cannot compete in the market.  To compete, these kinds of projects often need government subsidies to be successful and profitable.  Unfortunately, 84 percent of all commercial energy use din the United States is wasted and roughly 41 percent of all commercial energy is automatically wasted because of the second law of thermodynamics. So much energy is wasted because Americans drive gas-guzzling cars instead of cars that have at least 35 mpg, the US coal-burning and nuclear power plants are very inefficient (yet comprise over 60 percent of the nation’s energy).

One of many oil pumps that dot the landscape

One of many oil pumps that dot the landscape

So what does the world run on?  For many nations, the answer is oil.   Petroleum, or crude oil, is a substance with a lot of combustible hydrocarbons.  30 percent of petroleum harvested comes in the form of a light, conventional oil and the remaining 70 percent comes in the form of a thick, unconventional heavy oil.  Oil typically undergoes a number of different processes before entering the market.  After it is extracted, crude oil goes to a refinery where it can be boiled at different levels to produce different kinds of products, ranging from asphalt to diesel, to aviation fuel, to gasoline, and more.  Oil can be extracted from proven oil reserves, which are sources of oil that have been predetermined to make profit, as well as unproven reserves, which do not have as much certainty of profit.   Most of the oil reserves are operated by a select number of large organizations, such as OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), which, at 60 percent, controls most of the world’s crude oil supplies.  Saudi Arabia has the largest portion of the world’s conventional proven crude oil reserves and other countries that have high proven oil reserves are also middle eastern countries, including Iraq, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates, as well as Venezuela and Russia.  Private companies control 85 percent of all proven oil reserves.

Oil has its advantages and disadvantages.  The advantages include an amply supply for several decades, a high net energy yield, low land disruption, and efficient distribution system, but the disadvantages include water pollution from oil spills and leaks, environmental costs no included in market price, releasing of CO2 and other air pollutants when burned, and vulnerability to international supply interruptions.  Another option, extracting heavy oils from Oil Shale and Tar Sand, also has it’s advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, there are large potential supplies as well as good transportation and distribution systems between countries for these heavy oils, but on the other hand, there are low net energy yields, CO2 releasing, and severe land disruption, and high water use associated with harvesting this kind of energy.

Natural gas is a very popular source of household energy

Natural gas is a very popular source of household energy

Natural gas is often the next place people look for energy after oil.  Natural gas is a mixture of gases.  50-90 percent of natural gas is methane and the rest of the gas contains other gaseous hydrocarbons such as propane and butane.  Natural gas is considered to be a good alternative to oil because there is an amply supply of it, a high-energy yield, and it comparatively emits less CO2 and other pollutants.   However, natural gas also has a low net energy yield for liquefied natural gas, it still does release C02 and other air pollutants, and it is difficult and costly to transport it from one country to another.

Coal is a common, plentiful, but also an incredibly dirty energy source.  Coal is a soil fossil fuel that was formed in many stages over 300-400 million years ago.  Coal comes in in a variety of different forms, ranging in the amount of increasing heat and carbon content versus increasing moisture content, including peat, lignite, bituminous, and anthracite.  It’s the world’s most abundant fossil fuel and it has been the most popularly used fossil fuel for the past few centuries.  However, the process of harvesting coal for energy severely degrades the land, pollutes the air, and causes human health hazards.   Despite evidence that proves the negative health effects coal has on human populations and the environment, many companies have launched advertising campaigns that brand coal as ‘clean coal’, claiming that there are ways to burn coal in a cleaner fashion.  However, many experts say that these claims are false and misleading.  According the American Lung Associate, around 24,000 Americans die prematurely every year due to coal burning.

Another energy option is nuclear energy.  This is one of the most recent forms of energy, a highly complex and costly system that uses a controlled nuclear fission reaction.  The fission reaction takes place in a reactor, most commonly a light-water reactor, and this process is highly inefficient, losing around three-quarters of the high quality energy available in their nuclear fuel as waste heat to the environment.  But considering how much energy it takes to harvest uranium, dealing with the radioactive wastes, and dismantling a nuclear plant at the end of it’s life, scientists assert that nuclear plants might eventually require more energy than it will ever produce.  Not to mention, with events like Chernobyl, nuclear power can be very hazardous to human health and wellbeing.

Energy Efficiency and Non-Renewable Energy

“Just as the 19th century belonged to coal and the 20th century to oil, the 21st century will belong to the sun, the wind, and energy from within the earth” – Lester R. Brown

The future of renewable energy includes solar and wind power

The future of renewable energy includes solar and wind power

There are many newer and renewable sources of energy that are potential alternatives to non-renewable sources.  With all of the energy that nations waste each year (84 percent in the United States), energy efficiency, or the improvement of how much work we can get from each unit of energy we can get from each unit of energy, is a largely untapped and important energy resource for the future.  For instance, by switching all of the nation’s incandescent light bulbs to LED light bulbs, the United States could close over 700 coal-burning plants.  Nations can increase their energy efficiency by switching to a smart grid, constructing more public transportation, increasing the corporate average fuel economy, and creating more energy efficient vehicles (such as the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, the plug-in electric vehicle, and eventually the fuel cell, plug-in electric vehicle). Some more solutions to reduce energy include prolonging fossil fuel supplies, reducing oil imports and improving energy security, having high net energy fields, reducing pollution and environmental degradation, buying time to phase in renewable energy, and creating local jobs.

The Bullitt Foundation's new office building in Seattle, Washington is the most sustainable in the world

The Bullitt Foundation’s new office building in Seattle, Washington is the most sustainable in the world

There are also lots of ways to construct buildings that save energy.  Thanks to programs like LEED Certification, many newly constructed buildings are encouraged to ‘go green’, saving energy by insulating the building, using energy efficient windows, stopping other heating and cooling losses, heating buildings more efficiently and cleanly, heating water more efficiently, and using energy efficient appliances and lighting.   All of those are examples of grey infrastructure improvements, or improvements that rely on human manufacturing, often of synthetic materials.   In addition to these grey infrastructure improvement, there are green infrastructure improvements.  Green infrastructure improvements utilize the conditions of the specific building site to make smart, energy saving design decisions.  Examples of these kinds of solutions include the building of green roofs, the mastery of passive solar energy, the planting of trees to reduce urban heat island effects and halt winds, the planting of native plants to conserve water, and more.

There most popular sources of renewable energy are solar, hydropower, wind, biomass, geothermal, and hydrogen.  Solar energy can come in the form of solar thermal power, which heats a fluid filled pipe that produces seam to power an electricity-making turbine, and photovoltaic (PV) cells, or solar cells, which are thin wafers of purified silicon that produce electricity.  Solar energy does not directly emit CO2 emissions but there might be emissions in the construction and delivery of solar panels.   Solar energy has the potential to provide 16 percent of the world’s power by 2040.  Another form of renewable energy, hydropower, uses kinetic energy from flowing and falling water to produce electricity, often manifesting in large dams across rivers.  While hydropower is inexpensive and a moderately high net energy source, it causes large land disturbance and displacement of people as well as disrupts downstream aquatic ecosystems.  Next is wind energy.

When properly constructed, wind energy has a very small ecological impact on the surrounding environment.

When properly constructed, wind energy has a very small ecological impact on the surrounding environment.

Wind energy, is the least expensive, least polluting way to produce energy and is one of the fastest growing sources of energy in the market (second only to solar cells).  Wind farms can be constructed both on and offshore.  Another renewable energy source is the burning of biomass.  A vegetative source of energy, biomass is renewable when it isn’t burned faster than it is replenished.   Common forms of biomass energy are biodiesel and ethanol.   After biomass, there is also the opportunity to use geothermal energy as a source of renewable energy.  Geothermal energy is heat stored in soil, under ground rocks, and fluids in the earth’s mantle.  The most common way of accessing this resource is by drilling a system of pipes deep into the ground and letting the earth heat the water inside the pipes via heat transfer.  Geothermal is an advantageous choice because it has a moderate net energy and high efficiency at accessible cites and lower CO2 emissions than fossil fuels but unfortunately it also has a high upfront cost and low efficiency (except at highly concentrated sites), a scarcity of suitable sites, and is a little noisy.  Finally, hydrogen is another resource that might be used sustainably.  Hydrogen is one of the most common forms of gasses known in the universe.  It would greatly reduce the threat of climate change because it does not emit any CO2.  Fuel Cells are one of the best ways to utilize hydrogen energy.  Advantages of hydrogen power include a high production rate at plentiful sites, not direct C02 emissions, a good substitution for oil, and a high efficiency.  However, the disadvantages of using hydrogen include a negative net energy yield, high costs, and the need for a H2 storage and distribution system.

I believe we have two options: do nothing, or do something.  We can either think about the needs of the future and act upon it now, or don’t.  I believe we need to act, and act sustainably.  Nations need to start choosing energy paths that will be plentiful and good for the earth centuries upon centuries in the future.  The right energy path for our word is the sustainable energy path.

Nations must plan for the complete overhaul of our energy systems that should take place in the near future.  That means we will need to start the conversation (and the action) to dismantle systems of governance and business that support and are supported by dirty energy.  Coal and fossil fuels cannot be there bulk of our energy resources.  I see great potential in wind, solar, and hydrogen energies to power our planet.  Ultimately, I would like to see over 90 percent of our energy come from these sources, however, such a change cannot happen over night.  Switching to more sustainable forms of energy require a carefully planned our transition, because not only would switching to sustainable energy require a change in energy harvesting, but a change in human consciousness.

An example of the power citizens have to make change.

An example of the power citizens have to make change.

A nation cannot be successful in any capacity without a strong source of support from it’s citizens and until the average citizen is conscious of their carbon footprint and makes large-scale lifestyle changes to live in greater harmony with nature, we cannot get to where we want to go.  We want citizens to change and we want systems of governance, economics, and industry to change.

However, this means attacking from both sides.  Citizens have to power to change governments and governments have the power to change citizens.  Considering that my roommates have never even heard of composting before, I’d say we need an overhaul of the public education system to include environmental issues as a part of the curriculum.   It would be a disservice to the United States of America to not educate its citizens about how to keep their country clean and sustainable for the next generation and the next generation of American citizens and American ecosystems.  That doesn’t even delve into cultivating an international and inter-ecological movement (which I believe is important too), but it’s a necessary first step.   With enough educated citizens voting in the future generations of America, leaders will be elected, laws will be passed, and programs will be run that are beneficial for both man and nature.  Governments too, need to do their part to facilitate change, making the economy and job market hospitable to green technologies.  For to maintain an ethically sensible government, it must be cheaper to build a wind farm than an oil tanker.  It must be cheaper to support solar panels than it is to support natural gas fracking.  Choosing the dirty, unsustainable, and non-renewable forms of energy are actions of national suicide, stabbing it’s own citizens and future generations of citizens in the back.  Generations of children 200 years from now are going to inherit the earth and I don’t see how a child can enjoy ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ when they cannot go outside without wearing an oxygen mask.

BLOG POST 10: Water Resources, Geology, and Non-Renewable Resources


Water Resources

Freshwater is one of the most important natural resources to sustain life, composing 60 percent of the human body, diluting pollutants, growing food, and moderating the earth’s climate, yet it composes a very low percentage of the world’s total water supply.  Only .024 percent of freshwater is readily available for human use and the rest of the earth’s water is salty seawater or is contained in polar ice caps and glaciers.  Yet humans waste and pollute water at astronomical levels, making water as much an environmental issue as it is a national and global security issue, an economic issue, and a global health issue.

Usable freshwater can be found in a few natural areas.  Groundwater is a major freshwater source and is recharged (or filled) via rainfall as precipitation and run-off water sink and are stored into the ground.   Deeper down, aquifers are another freshwater source and are essentially larger bodies of permeable rock that contain groundwater that are often tapped for human use.   Although many aquifers are renewable, some aren’t and are considered to be as nonrenewable as fossil fuel stores.  Groundwater and aquifers are typically pumped in large quantities to support agricultural irrigation as well as urban/suburban living needs.  Other main freshwater sources are the varieties of surface water, which can be manifested in streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, and watersheds.

However, global lifestyles are using water resources unsustainably.  Humans can only use 1/3 of the total water run-off and of that reliable source arid regions are currently drawing up to 70 percent of the reliable runoff and are projected to use 90 percent of the reliable runoff within 20 years.  More than 30 countries are already facing water scarcity issues and that number is expected to double to 60 countries by 2050.  30 percent of the earth’s land area already experiences severe drought (70 percent or more lower the average water supply).  Conflicts emerge on the international scale, and will continue to, as countries argue over water sharing agreements or whether or not governments (local and/or national) or private companies should manage water distribution.

A diagram of groundwater pumping

A diagram of groundwater pumping

Aquifers tend to be efficient and sustainable ways of extracting freshwater resources unless nations pollute or overpump them.  More than 400 million people on earth are being fed by grain that is harvested from groundwater unsustainably, especially in India and China.   In the United States, agricultural demand is harvesting groundwater four times the amount that can be replenished annually, meaning that sometime in the future, those water sources will run out and no longer support the populations that live there.  Overpumping is a huge problem that can cause the entire landscape to sink many feet due to subsidence and is often driven by government subsidies and incentives to produce agriculture at heavy rates in semi-arid areas that simply cannot sustain such high levels of production.  And while deep aquifers might be a future possibility to sustain billions of people for centuries, they are nonrenewable, possibly expensive, and little is known about that kind of pumping.

Paving the way to water sustainability might also involve the construction of more dams.  Dams provide irrigation for half of the world’s agricultural irrigation systems.  Dams provide irrigation above and below the dam, drinking water, recreation and fishing, cheap hydropower electricity, and reduce downstream flooding.  However, dams can also disrupt fishing migration and spawning, risk failure (causing devastating flooding), deprive cropland and estuaries of nutrient rich silt downstream, lose large quantities of water via evaporation, flood/destroy surrounding forests and cropland, and displace people’s homes and livelihoods.

Water diversion in Arizona, USA

Water diversion in Arizona, USA

Diverting water resources across large bodies of land are another established way of addressing water shortages.  This involves the creation of infrastructure (canals, tanks, and piping) to transport water to places that have very little water, increasing water supply in some areas but often disrupting ecosystems in the process.  The benefits of diverting water resources are amazing; large expanses of land that a rich in sunshine but have no water can be transformed into productive and bountiful agricultural plots of land.  However, there are major disadvantages as well.  Diverting water unsustainably can cause desertification in previously water-rich areas, damage ecosystems, and waste water to evaporation/leaks while being transported.

Chart outlining the desalination process

Chart outlining the desalination process

The final major solution that Miller offers is desalination, or the process of removing salt from seawater to create freshwater.  The advantages of desalination are alluring; with the saltwater oceans accounting for over 95 percent of the world’s water sources, a process of transforming saltwater to freshwater would appear to be the keystone to eternal water security on a global scale.  But like all of the previous solutions, desalination has major disadvantages. For one, the desalination requires huge, technologically advanced treatment centers that are extremely expensive for nations to construct and maintain (as well as use a lot of resources to construct).  Second, desalination can destroy marine habitats and leave harmful salt deposits.  A final (and speculative) disadvantage is that desalination plants could give people the idea that humans have a never-ending source of water to waste, when truthfully, wasteful behavior is not healthy for a community (even one run on desalination) and is certainly not healthy when applied to the earth’s other natural resources.

While all of these options include the development or construction of something to aid water problems, reducing water waste is an option that takes a little bit of a different track.  While humans are currently facing water scarcity issues, humans are also wasting massive amounts of water they already have.  Of the small percentage of freshwater that is readily available for human use, humans use most of their water for agriculture and about 60 percent of irrigation water used for agriculture never reaches the crops… completely wasted.  There are many ways to conserve water, including the redesign of manufacturing processes and machinery for greater efficiency in water use, the recycling of water in industry (grey water), the landscaping of native plants instead of water-hungry lawns in yards, the use of organic farming, the fortifying of hillsides with enough root systems to prevent flooding, landslides, and soil depletion, the use of water meters, the increase of pricing for water, the use of composting toilets, the requirement of water conservation by law in water-scarce cities, and much more.

A commonly overlooked but majorly wasteful problem is flooding.  Flooding is horrible for water conservation and ecosystem health for a variety of reasons.  Flooding can swamp out and kill crops, catch contaminated substances when passing through urban areas, increase run-off on hilly areas (not allowing water to sink into the soil), erode areas, and pollute crops.


Geology and Non-Renewable Resources

There are just as many problems with water scarcity as there are with geology and nonrenewable mineral resources. Any understanding of geological issues, or issues that pertain to the processes of the earth’s surface and interior, begin with the earth’s composition.   The earth is composed of a core, mantle, asthenosphere, and the crust.   The lithosphere is composed of the upper mantle and crust (the lower part of the mantle is the asthenosphere).  The lithosphere is divided into a collection of large sections called tectonic plates that can shift in divergent or convergent directions and can cause earthquakes and topographical changes.  There are also two major kinds of geological processes, internal and external.  Some major external processes include erosion, weathering, and glacial erosion.

The earth’s three major rock types include sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic and these rocks are slowly recycled by erosion, melting, and metamorphism processes. Rocks are composed of minerals and are found in the earth’s crust.  Sedimentary rock is composed of sediments, or dead plant and animal remains and tiny particles of weathered and eroded rocks that deposit in layers over time.  Igneous rock develops from the release of magma from the earth’s upper mantle.  Finally, metamorphic rock forms when preexisting rock is subjected to high temperature and pressure and the crystalline structure and properties reshape.   The shifting of rock types from one is known as the rock cycle.

Mineral resources are concentrations of naturally occurring material from the earth’s crust that can be extracted and processed into raw materials and products and an affordable cost.  Ores are sections of rock that have a high enough percentage of the desired mineral to constitute mining for it (low grade ore has a smaller percentage of the desired mineral than high grade ore).  We use nonrenewable metal and nonmetal resource for many things in our economy, such as aluminum, iron, and copper.

Surface mining operation

Surface mining operation

However, humans have big environmental impacts when they try to extract these resources.  Surface mining, where people remove materials (the overburden) lying over a mineral deposit, completely destroys the entire surface habitat and is used to extract 90 percent of the nonfuel mineral and rock resources and 60 percent of the coal used in the US.   Types of surface mining include open pit mining (digging very deep holes), strip mining (digging and refilling in strips), contour strip mining (cutting series of terraces on mountain faces), mountain top removal, and subsurface mining (removing resources via underground tunnels and shafts).   All surface mining techniques severely disrupt and scar the land’s surface, leave harmful spoils banks, and endanger a community’s water supply and air quality and subsurface mining has terrible health effects for mining workers.

Mineral resources are distributed unevenly throughout the world and are mostly provided by five nations—the United States, Canada, Russia, South Africa, and Australia.  Mining for mineral resources depends on (1) the actual supply of the material itself and (2) when the cost of extracting the mineral exceeds the demand/price people will pay for it.  Mining companies insist that for consumers to buy their minerals the companies must have government subsidies to offset the cost.  While there are some resources that lie in the oceans but the energy and cost to extract them would be too high for ocean extraction to be a feasible option.

Many people believe that we can find substitutes for some scarce mineral resources.  As for myself, I know this is somewhat true but I remain hesitant.  Materials are being substituted with other things, fiber optic cables, for instance, are replacing copper and aluminum wires are replacing materials in telephone cables, but I don’t think humanity can operate on the assumption that endless growth and human ingenuity can answer all the problems… in fact, I think it exacerbates the problems.  Assuming that replacements can always be found is a potent driver for overuse and irreverence/respect for the world around us and the resources that sustain us.  This goes for freshwater resources as well as mineral resources.

Water is an essential resource for human life

Water is an essential resource for human life

Of the options presented before us (dams, desalination, diversion, groundwater, conservation), the core of our water security efforts must derive from attitudes of respect, reverence, and frugality for our freshwater sources, hence, conservation.  That isn’t to say technological advances shouldn’t be explored.  When it comes down to it, technology can be a product of smart design, smart design can be considered synonymous to efficiency, and efficiency is something nature has mastered. If we are to be like nature, our technology can get us closer to working the way she (mother nature) does.  But technology paired without conservation is meaningless and destruction, like a body trying to walk with no legs.

My main ideas with water conservation surround education and outreach.  I believe we can do a lot of good by recognizing our human Muir web of connectivity to each other and constructing more personal relationships between shopper and farmer, multinational agricultural companies and small start up companies, as well as developed nations and less developed nations.  This action would be called T.R.E.O (or Targeted Research, Education, and Outreach).  As described in our water presentation, we decided that a deep ecology (and a slightly conversationalist) mindset would stand as the trunk of our efforts with varied branches of education, legal work, technology, face-to-face international relations, and reduction of waste to compose a grand canopy of efforts for the sake of water security.

BLOG POST 9: Symphony of the Soil and Food Incorporated


The Symphony of the Soil

“Land, then, is not merely soil; it is a fountain of energy flowing through a circuit of soils, plants, and animals.” — Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac, 1949

Soils are fundamental for life and a rare gift for a planet to have.   Soil, or ‘the living layer’, is a relatively thin layer of organic materials that make life possible over the earth’s barren rock.  An integral part of the world’s ecosystems, soil constantly shares nutrients between the forces of water, wind and land.  Coral, for example, is full of nutrients and can become smaller and smaller until it becomes sand, which composes one of the major parts of soils.  On Hawaii, the weather, the water, and the components of life begin to build on dead rock over time.  Interestingly, the longer life has a chance to infiltrate the rock, the more life builds upon itself and can support increasingly diversified ecosystems.  For instance, while some small, low-lying plants might grow on 50 year-old soils, it might take 300 year old soils to support a forest.

Old castle walls where soil and vegetation has taken hold

Old castle walls where soil and vegetation has taken hold

Soils can usually form from whatever material already exists in a given location.  Other factors that form soil composition include rivers, which can overflow and deposit sediments, mountains and glaciers, which can also deposit sediments, and wind, which can blow sediments across terrains.  Thus soils can easily travel over vast expanses of land, able to reestablish life on the most remote, non-fertile paces on the planet.  A good example of this power can be found in the European countryside where plant growth often overtakes ancient European casts, establishing life on a previously infertile mass of rock.

Judging by the enormous size and diversity of old growth forests, people often associate forest soils as the most productive of soils.  However, this is not necessarily the case.  Trees and other large forest vegetation actually siphon and store the soil’s nutrients out of the soil and into their trunks and limbs, acting like giant sponges to soak up the land’s nutrients.  That’s why it can be so dangerous to clear cut forests.  Removing all of the trees removes all of the nutrients and the ecosystem dies.  Forest soils rely on a fresh layer of decomposing plant material to keep it nourished and healthy.  So despite popular notions, grasslands, not forests, harbor the most productive soils.  Grassland soils are so biologically rich because their vast networks of fibrous grass roots can transport nutrients deep into the ground and their susceptibility to fires can allow many layers of grass to die and decompose into the earth.  Another common misconception about soils is that there are very few types of ‘dirt’.   However this idea couldn’t be further from the truth.  There are many different types of soil types that vary by its local biome and climate, creating a plethora of soils that include andisol, histosol, vertisol, spodosol, gelisol, aridisol to name a few.

Soil is considered to be the interface between geology and ecology, the living blanket over the earth.  Interestingly, 50 percent of soil is air, empty space!  This porous, empty space allows soils to be extremely biologically productive, creating habitat for microorganisms and roots.  There is a lot more life underneath the ground (and beneath a plant) that people don’t commonly recognize.

Fungi are integral to the health of soils, only visible to the human eye in their above soil forms

Fungi are integral to the health of soils, only visible to the human eye in their above soil forms

Plants take all the energy and nutrients from the world around them and inject those nutrients under the earth to support healthy colonies of fungi, bacteria, and other microorganisms.  Essentially, plants inject many nutrients into the soil, like carbohydrates, proteins, and other essential nutrients.  Just as humans need nutrients to survive, plants need a strong source of nutrients to support healthy fungi and bacteria, which are then eaten by small predators and ultimately support the earth’s food pyramid.  Fungi often go unnoticed, but they are essential to the health of soils and plants.  They typically produce a fruit body, which is the most visible part of fungi to the human eye, but they have vast networks under the ground that make them the biggest organism on earth.

Farming is the primary way humans participate in this food pyramid and good farming pays close attention to adhere to the laws of nature.  The biology of the soil is what effects different ecosystems.  Different plants and ecosystems have a unique relation to nature and certain types of soil conditions.  For example, instead of pumping plants and crops with artificial fertilizers, it might be a smarter option to mimic a crop’s natural association with nature and provide soils and ecosystem environments that mimic the relation that plant species naturally had before human development.   Early in American history, farmers would use a ‘slash and burn’ method of agriculture that was not ecologically sustainable and eventually farms began to become much less productive.  But at the close of the second World War, human ingenuity would manufacture enough new technology to spawn the age of fertilizer use in agriculture and, for some people, it would seem as if agricultural success would be inseparably tied to the extra nitrogen boost fertilizer supplied.

Primary source depiction of farming in Ancient Egypt

Primary source depiction of farming in Ancient Egypt

Thousands of years ago in Egypt, people’s farms would receive all the nutrients they needed form the Nile’s floodplains (which would deposit rich nutrients with each flooding).  The land was built for farming… nothing extra or artificial needed to take place for continually rich crops seasons.  However, in the Roman Empire people tried to apply the same techniques to hillsides, but each time their plows struck the earth it would further erode the soils and strip essential nutrients from the soils.  This environmental degradation was probably a key reason why their empire met its demise.  Did Americans learn from this? Nope.  People had to move west across America’s great plains because of a lack of fertile land in the east.  However, the fertile land that Americans once flocked to might soon become infertile due to an excess of groundwater pumping.  Some people may ask, how much longer will humanity play the same game? And loose?

Agriculture can either help or hinder the soil, depending how humans go about doing it.   Many ecologists and farmers agree that the best way to maintain the soil is to return some of what we take from it.  That means leaving some organic matter on the land instead of stripping it completely clean.  Green matter and organic compost can go a long way to restore nutrients to the land.  Some English farmers interviewed for the film have sworn that compost has been a saving grace for their farms and compost is instrumental to maintaining (and improving) the health of their crops and even restoring a lot of nutrients to the soil.  This way they are saving money, growing better crops, and enriching the land.

In addition to composting, drip irrigation helps farmers distribute water with little waste and extra plant coverage offers shade so that less water evaporates.  Kaiser Farms employs both of these techniques (including their own home-grown composting system) to manage their organic California farm.  Organic farms like Kaiser Farms (or the farm that Fordham’s own CSA works with) has a much higher quality of soil.

Norwich Meadows Farm is a local New York organic farm that supports Fordham University's CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Program

Norwich Meadows Farm is a local New York organic farm that supports Fordham University’s CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Program

Soil testing has proven that the more you improve the soil, the less runoff, less erosion, and less pollution will be in the water.  One farmer noticed a huge difference in the health and productivity of his farmland when 50 percent of the plant material grown goes straight back into the ground.  In his mind, nature’s land needs nutrients too and organic farming honors the law of return.  Successful examples of organic farming like these seem to affirm that conventional agricultural systems can be dramatically improved by natural, organic means (and not by genetically changing things).

After all, genetic modification of crops has actually required the use of pesticides (otherwise you get weeds, etc) and started a downward cycle.  Weed killers are dangerous to humans too, especially fetuses and child development.  Corn production uses more nitrogen fertilizer and is the prime cause of the dead zone in the gulf, more insecticides and more herbicides than any other crop in the nation.  It takes thousands of gallons of water to create a single gallon of ethanol.

Indian environmental activist and anti-globalization author Vandana Shiva says that even when rainfall stays the same, farms can be devastated by drought-like conditions if farmers do not return enough organic matter to the earth.  She believes all of these artificial means of improving the soil are actually killing its health and wants people to embrace natural means of fortifying the soil before all of these artificial means go out of hand.

I completely agree with Ms. Shiva.  Fertility is the power of the soul to keep producing, year after year after year.   The answers are not high tech. The answers lie in natural ecology.  Organic farming techniques are an essential part of our world’s sustainability plan, and from what I heard, could alone fully feed the entire continent of Africa.

Environmental activist Vandana Shiva

Environmental activist Vandana Shiva

Consumers and governments are at the center of which option we choose. What governments choose to subsidize and what humans choose to eat will define how well we attain a sustainable world.

It’s all about honoring the law of return.  Whatever is taken from the earth must be given back in some form or another.  Natural processes do not create natural resources out of nothing; they require a certain amount of nutrients and materials to keep fostering life year after year.  When human operations like mass-industrial monoculture farming reap the fruit of the land and plant nothing but chemicals in return, the earth isn’t given enough resources to keep producing again and again.  This method of dealing with the earth is not conducive to living sustainably.  I don’t think it’s a stretch to say our lack of giving back to the earth is a perverse warping of our character and morality; self-centeredness, laziness, cruelty, and high levels of ignorance and detriment.   However, I cannot fully blame the world for treating the earth poorly because there is insufficient education and awareness of how our treatment of the planet endangers human and natural worlds alike.  Human industries often damage the world and themselves without even knowing it.


Food Incorporated

“Now our food is coming from enormous assembly lines where the animals and the workers are being abused.  And the food has become much more dangerous in ways that are being deliberately hidden from us” – Food Inc.

Our agricultural nation runs on the image of a pastoral fantasy, emblazoned with images of rolling hills, quaint farmscapes, and grazing cattle.   Supermarkets across the country reflect this notion, with foods of all kinds available throughout the year.  However, this image is an ‘invisible veil’ that severs consumer connection between production and table.   Our food is controlled by large multinational corporations that hide the bad things they do to the food and the people who manufacture it.  They don’t want their story told because it violates the promise implied by their packaging and finished products.  People simply have no idea where their food comes, what the process of creating and transporting it, and they are given no incentive or reason to know.

Factory systems were introduced to the restaurant in fast food chains, training workers to operate in an assembly line.  Now people have easy access to cheap and tasty food, but at the unseen price of poor wages, poor living conditions, and poor farming practices (now people want food to taste exactly the same, everywhere around the world).  We are eating food produced by this system, a system of 4 major companies that produce over 75 percent of the meat.  These companies control the entire lifeline (and even the genetic quality) of their animals.   For example, chickens have been modified to have bigger breasts to meet the population’s desire for white meat.  Simply put, these companies don’t produce animals, they produce food, and according to a farmer that provides meat for Tyson, it’s “a science they have figured out”.

Mass industrial chicken farming

Mass industrial chicken farming

Take a look at chicken production: they never see the light.  Companies operate such poor living conditions that most companies will not let people see their production spaces.  The one farmer who did, Carole, allowed cameramen to document conditions where chickens grew a so much faster than usual that they couldn’t walk to sustain their legs.    Even though she wanted to change these conditions, she and other farmers were not allowed by their respective employing companies to do so.  Farmers like Carole were nothing more than slaves, not only to these companies, but to the bank.  With every new requirement from large companies comes new expenses for famers to keep their operations updated and up to code.  Carole would have had to pay 500,000 for the two tunnel houses and farmers like her only make 18,000 a year.

Returning to the mass supermarket, modern store environments convey the illusion that all of their products come from a diversity of farms and sectors of the agricultural industry.  But in reality, most of the typical supermarket’s products are produced by a small number of food companies and are made from an even smaller selection of food.  Almost everything in a supermarket is composed in part of corn.  We have so much cheap corn that most every product uses it.  Corn isn’t only mass-produced for human use, but animal use as well.  Large stocks of cheap corn feed the nation’s mass industry of animal production.  Corn fattens up large stores of animals like chicken and cattle in unsafe conditions for mass-slaughter and mass-induction into the meat industry.  Cows naturally only eat grass and the only reason to feed cows corn is that it is cheap and makes them fat fast.  Cattle’s hides are often caked with their own manure, sometimes entering the global meat supply and posing significant dangers to human health.  As for regulations and inspections to prevent this kind of danger, our regulatory agencies are toothless.  Regulatory agencies conducted 500,000 inspections in 1972 and today they conduct less than 10 thousand of such inspections.

Kevin Kowalcyk, who died of food poisoning in 2001er that Barbara writing tomorrow.

Kevin Kowalcyk, who died of food poisoning in 2001

The implications of not regulating our food can be seen in the story of a young boy who died from eating a disease-ridden burger on vacation.  This boy’s name is Kevin and his story has launched a movement by his mother to petition for more regulation in the food industry.  Kevin’s mother claims that we are not being protected on our most basic level.  She has been trying to get a motion called ‘Kevin’s Law’ to be enacted.  Kevin’s law gives the USDA the power to close companies that repeatedly produce bad meat.  Working for 6 years and still hasn’t passed.

The way the United State’s agricultural industry is set up, it is cheaper to feed people greasy hamburgers than fresh vegetables.  We have skewed our food systems to the bad calories.  The reasons those are cheaper are because those are the ones that are heavily subsidized.  The biggest production of obesity is income level.   This leads people to ask, is this problem a crisis of personal responsibility or legal structure?

From what I have learned in Food Incorporated, and as accurately stated by one of the film’s interviewees, the United States is particularly good at hitting the wrong target when it comes to the agricultural industry.  Take Smithfield, a mass meat producing company, for example.  Smithfield kills tons of pigs a day in a highly impersonal, mechanized fashion.  Workers even get infections under their fingernails.  Their production is unbelievably dangerous due to the emphasis on rapid production to provide for their biggest companies: fast food industries.  Fast food is known to have collectively lower wages, more dangerous conditions, and less respect for the animal.  We want to pay the cheapest price for our food.  In this way, our nation places economic prosperity over moral integrity and that decision has many sad real world implications.  Workers at Smithfield spend 15 years working in poor conditions and for poor wages for a company to make ‘the holiday ham’ and if they are found to be illegal aliens, they are immediately exiled.   Industrial food is not priced, produced, or anything honestly.  The prices don’t reflect anything truthful. There is no such thing as cheap food.  We need to find a way to reverse these conditions, to meet the need without compromising the integrity.  As soon we make economic growth our ultimate goal we view the customer differently, we view products differently, we view the things that (should) be the most important things differently.  Business is the source of all pollution and things that destroy this world.

Large companies don’t grow organically… they grow by accommodating and swallowing up smaller businesses.  Walmart doesn’t take ‘organic movements’ for ethical reasons; they do so for economic reasons.  The customer is looking to buy organic things for the label alone.   So perhaps, as unfortunate as this is, we need to work within the system and create legal jurisdictions and subsidies that make going organic the more economically feasible option to encourage profit driven companies to do the right things, even if for the ‘wrong’ reasons.

For unfortunately, the United States’ food system is dedicated to the single virtue of efficiency.  Agriculture is highly dependent on the oil industry.  To eat well is to eat expensively.  But that isn’t to say there isn’t things we can do to change the game.  The battle against tobacco is the perfect model for how an industry’s model can be changed for the better; it’s a noble goal to change human health.

Going organic can make a bigger difference than most people think

Going organic can make a bigger difference than most people think

We can employ effective grassroots measures.  We can vote to change the system three times a day, each time we go to the supermarket or purchase food from a restaurant.  We can buy from companies that treat workers, animals and the environment with respect.   Since the industry values profit so much , the consumer because the most important factor. What the consumer wants, the consumer gets, but the consumer has the change what it’s asking for.

We must know what we buy and we must know what we eat.  The average meal travels 1500 miles from farm to the supermarket.  What sense does that make?  Everyone has a right to healthy food and it is our collective moral responsibility to make ethical choices in our purchases.  What we purchase is what we support, and our choice in what we support can have real, beneficial affects in the real world.  Ask schools to provide healthy lunches.  Ask local government representatives to pass healthy, organic measures in the food industry.  Join a protest.   Blog online.  Our FDA, USDA, government, and food providers are supposed to protect our families and we have every right to demand for something better.

BLOG POST 8: Aquatic Biodiversity and Food, Soil, and Pest Management

The Great Barrier Reef: clouds of reef fish and corals, French frigate shoals, NWHI

The Great Barrier Reef: clouds of reef fish and corals, French frigate shoals, NWHI

“The coastal zone may be the single most important portion of our planet. The loss of its biodiversity may have repercussions far beyond our worst fears” – G. Carleton Ray

Earth’s oceans are gigantic; humans have only explored about five percent of oceanic water bodies.  Respectively, we do not know very much about the ocean’s biodiversity.  However we do know that the ocean’s biodiversity is concentrated in coral reefs, estuaries, and the ocean floor, and that water bodies with greater proximity to the coast and higher elevations from the sea floor tend to have the most biodiversity.  Marine systems are economical as well as ecological frontiers, providing highly valuable services that provide opportunities for medicinal cures, bio-technological ingenuity, ecotourism, earth cycling processes (namely carbon and water cycles), as well as drinking water (from freshwater sources).

EXXON VALDEZ aground on Bligh Reef being lightered to reduce oil spillage and lighten ship to get off reef.

Despite all of the ocean’s benefits, humans have degraded aquatic habitats by means of habitat loss, invasive species, population growth, pollution, climate change, and overfishing (represented in the acronym, HIPPCO).  Regarding habitat loss, humans have destroyed over half of the world’s mangrove forests, over half of the world’s costal sea-grass beds (which serve as fish and shellfish nurseries), and around 20-40 percent of the world’s coral reefs (which are the spawning grounds for 90 percent of fish species.  Economic prosperity is a major driver of habitat loss, especially with dredging, which is a kind of ‘marine clear cutting’ that instantaneously scrapes decades (even centuries) worth of habitat growth off the sea floor.  Also lethal to aquatic diversity are invasive species, costing the United States 16 million dollars an hour in damage and 2/3 of the country’s fish extinction.  The most common of these invasive culprits are Undria, Asian swamp eels, lionfishes, carp, nile perch, and algae blooms.  Increased global interconnectivity and trade, transporting invasive species to foreign destinations, only exacerbate these issues further.  The next factors of HIPPCO are population growth and pollution.  Because any population growth increases the demand for overfishing and the creation of polluting industries, population growth and pollution are intimately related issues.  Humans contribute to 80 percent of the ocean’s pollution in forms of pesticides, fertilizers, oil spills, and toxic chemical dumping/sewage overflows.   Climate change also tampers with aquatic biodiversity because an increased sea level from the melting of polar ice has the potential power to damage coral reefs and drown entire islands and costal wetlands.  Finally, overfishing rounds out the end of HIPPCO, damaging aquatic diversity by humans consuming more fish than nature can replenish.  Currently, the world is fishing 57 percent more than the sustainable yield, via trawler fishing, purse-seine fishing, long-lining, and drift-net fishing.  Miller is careful to note that all the problems in HIPPCO run counter to nature’s three pillars of sustainability, especially in regards to mass extinction and major loss of biodiversity.

Unfortunately, people encounter four major problems when trying to protect aquatic biodiversity.  There four are as follows: (1) humanity’s ecological footprint is hard to track because it is growing so rapidly, (2) damage to aquatic systems are not as visible to human eyes, (3) people incorrectly view the ocean as an inexhaustible dumping ground and eternal source of resources, and (4) most of the world’s water bodies lie outside of the legal jurisdiction of specific nations.

Australia’s most precious ocean environments will be protected by the world’s largest network of marine reserves created by the Gillard Government.

Australia’s most precious ocean environments will be protected by the world’s largest network of marine reserves created by the Gillard Government.

In recent decades, however, people and governments have shown increased interest in the protection of endangered and threatened marine species.  A regulatory approach for species protection attempts to pass laws and treaties, such as the 1975 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species and the US Endangered Species Act.  Regulatory movements also include moratoriums of sea-floor trawling and whaling.  Many countries have agreed to follow such regulations voluntarily.  In addition to regulatory approaches, economic incentives work to make protection of aquatic diversity a more economical option than biodiversity destruction.  For instance, a World Wildlife Study found that turtles bring in almost three times more money then the sale of turtle products, and therefore, citizens are continually educated that turtles are much more valuable alive then dead.  Additionally, work has been made to establish Marine Sanctuaries, providing similar protection to that of a National Park (except most marine protected areas, or MPAs, allow dredging and trawler fishing).  Finally, an ecosystem approach to protecting aquatic biodiversity builds on the work of MPA’s and go one step further to create entire networks of marine reserves world-wide.  Comprehensively more protective than just MPAs, a global network of marine preserves have been proven to adequately protect aquatic species they hold as well as create a more plentiful stock of natural resources for human use (an ecological and an economic benefit).

This has prompted people to find sustainable ways to manage marine fisheries.  Identifying the maximum sustained yield, or a projected estimate of the amount of fish resources that can be harvested annually at a sustainable rate, is what many consider the starting point for sustainable fishing.  Other strategies begin with reconciliation ecology, or, for instance, attempts to restore coral reefs that have already died (such as Japan has done, to some success).  In addition, consumers have the power to demand sustainable seafood to encourage more sustainable fishing practices in a grassroots-style boycott.  Fishing regulations also work to protect marine biodiversity as many communities have already developed catch-share systems where each fisher gets a share of the total allowable catch or co-management where government and communities work together to regulate fishing.  However, some people argue that the government sometimes actually encourages overfishing by providing extensive subsidies for fishers.

Men manually filling in part of  a wetland in the 1880's

Men manually filling in part of a wetland in the 1880’s

The protection of wetlands and wetland biodiversity is also a major issue.  Some countries, like Italy and New Zealand, have lost over 90 percent of their original coastal wetlands.  Wetlands are commonly filled over with dirt to create cropland, rice fields, or urban development, are commonly intoxicated by mineral, oil, and gas drilling, and are in danger of being drowned with climate change sea-level rising.  Efforts to save wetlands include zoning development away from wetland areas as well as wetland banking, which requires any destruction of existing wetlands to be replaced by an equal area of wetland creation or restoration.  One of the biggest restoration projects in the United States is the attempted restoration of the Florida Everglades.  Florida built a network of manmade canals that were designed to mitigate flooding and provide cities with a steady source of freshwater, but the project also drained over half of the Everglades and increased the acidity of the Florida Bay.  While the plan is underway, it looks as if it lacks the political support and funding to complete.  This is seen as a quintessential example of the consequences of ignoring the precautionary principle.

People are also attempting to save the biodiversity of freshwater bodies, including freshwater lakes, rivers, and fisheries.  Like saltwater bodies, freshwater bodies have been susceptible to HIPPCO problems.  Large freshwater lakes, like Lake Michigan, have been especially plagued by invasive species, such as the sea lamprey and the zebra mussel.  However, efforts are made to avoid more invasive species and Lake Michigan officials stopped incoming carp species from taking over the lakes.  As for river basins, many like the Columbia River have sustained huge losses of biodiversity from hydroelectric dams (which sever salmon populations from their spawning habitats).  Issues concerning river basins, especially surrounding fishing and dams, are difficult to deal with because many people need dams and other developments to provide cheap electricity and services.  Currently, fisheries are trying to implement sustainable management techniques by stocking a number of fish farms with multiple, symbiotic marine species in the same holding area to protect fish habitats from sediment build up, pollutants, and disease.

A cow suffering from extreme drought and undernutrition

A cow suffering from extreme drought and undernutrition

“There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace” Aldo Leopold

Food security is the ability to comfortably access food on a daily basis.  Food insecurity, on the other hand, is the lack of reliable food sources and the greatest root cause of food insecurity is poverty (war, governmental insurrection, and famine are also main causes of food insecurity).  The systems in place to cultivate and distribute food leave different problems for affluent nations than poorer nations: while poorer nations often suffer health problems from too little food, affluent nations often suffer health problems from too much food.  This kind of mass disparity of food security isn’t healthy for global populations.  People who don’t receive enough food suffer from chronic undernutrition (hunger), and those people whose small diet consists of mostly grains suffer from chronic malnutrition.  People who don’t have a diverse enough diet, or much of any diet, commonly suffer medical conditions that pertain to the nutrient’s their body lacks (such as blindness due to a lack of Vitamin A).  Conversely, overnutrition causes a person to gain excess body fat that leads to a lower life expectancy, increased susceptibility to illness and lower quality of life.  There health costs come economic costs as well; every health problem from overeating or chronic malnutrition greatly increases a nation’s healthcare costs.

Large scale, monoculture, industrial corn farming

Large scale, monoculture, industrial corn farming

The agricultural industry mostly relies on high-input monoculture farming, meaning that most farms use high amounts of heavy machinery, pesticides, and financial capital to plant, grow, and harvest a single species of crop (especially corn, rice, and wheat).  One form of industrial agriculture is plantation agriculture.   Plantation agriculture (often practiced in third world countries to grow cash crops) grows their crops using greenhouses to deliver water in a more efficient manner.   Water from plantation agriculture can be purified and recycled and the system doesn’t use as many fossil fuels, so while this form of farming might be more expensive upfront than industrial farming outdoors, it might be more cost effective in the long term considering the increase of environmental degradation and higher costs of fossil fuels.  While food provides the earth’s systems with the energy necessary to survive, obtaining mass quantities of monoculture food types though industrial agriculture violates the three principles of sustainability, not respecting the biodiversity of plant species, getting energy from fossil fuels (and not the renewable sun or air), and not allowing for the renewable use of topsoil (which can go to waste via desertification).

Traditional agriculture takes two forms.  Traditional subsistence agriculture uses only the energy from the sun and the labor of humans and animals to produce enough food for a family to survive and to store extra reserves for later.  Whereas traditional intensive agriculture boosts their production through increased manure, animals, and labor, selling some of the extra food for income.  Farms that grow multiple crops participate in a practice called polyculture.  Slash and burn agriculture involves clearing a small plots of land in tropical forests, growing a polyculture of crops till the topsoil is depleted, and moving on to a new plot of land.   There have been two green revolutions so far, the first green revolution in when the 1950’s-70’s United States increased water volume and fertilizer usage to grow more crops in a given area. The second green revolution has been taking place since the 60’s and encourages the growth of specially bred, dwarf-species of rice and wheat that help third world countries grow more crops in a given area (and protect biodiversity of existing forests, tying into the principles of sustainability).  There are limits to green revolutions as scientists have proved that increasing inputs eventually produces no additional increase in the crop yields.  Modifying traditional forms of agriculture can involve crossbreeding through artificial selection, producing a new, commercially valuable crop variety and genetic engineering, genetically improving the world’s existing crops (creating what is known as genetically modified organisms, or MGOs).  The risk of using genetically modified food is that scientists do not have a long period of time to study the effect GM agriculture has on human systems or the surrounding ecology.

Globally, meat has increased dramatically in demand

Globally, meat has increased dramatically in demand

The demand for livestock meat, animal products, fish, and shellfish has also increased dramatically.  This is partly the result of economic drivers as more and more people are leaving poverty and entering the working and upper-middle economic class.   Any increased demand in meat in turn must increase the demand for (1) grains to feed the livestock, (2) machinery to butcher/catch and distribute the livestock and (3) energy and natural resources to build that machinery and transport food products to a local or global market.   When distributed to a global market, as much of the world’s agriculture does, it needs an exceedingly high energy input, often involving nonrenewable fossil fuels, habitat destruction, desertification, salinization, waterlogging (from excessive irrigation), overfishing/hunting/harvesting, soil erosion, and biodiversity loss.

Pests are a major problem humans face when trying to produce food.  Humans often use pesticides to fight pests (including insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and rodenticides).   These pesticides can either be broad spectrum agents or selective/narrow-spectrum agents.  Interestingly, pesticide usage has not reduced U.S crop losses to pests and Indonesia’s rice fields increased 15 percent in productivity when 2/3 of the pesticides were dropped.   The EPA, the USDA and the food and Drug Administration (FDA) have some legal power in this area.  Alternatives to pesticide use include crop rotation, polyculture, genetic engineering, the introduction of predators, insect perfumes, hormones, and the reduction of synthetic herbicides.  Some farmers are employing integrated pest management programs, evaluating each farmer’s situation uniquely and evaluating the ecological context of the farmer’s land/situation to create and appropriate conglomeration of actions.

Miller cites many possible solutions to create a more sustainable agricultural future, including soil conservation, or using a variety of methods to reduce topsoil erosion (terraced fields, strip cropping, agroforestry, etc) and increase soil fertility (organic fertilizers, animal or green manure, compost, tree planting, etc).  Sustainable farming requires two major branches of change: consuming less and producing more sustainably.

FM produceI firmly believe that every environmental issue, including agriculture, is an interdisciplinary issue that requires multiple prongs of attack to reverse humanity’s environmentally detrimental habits.   This means buying locally grown food to aid the economy and cut back on pollution/fossil fuels used for transportation.  This means governments should subsidize sustainable farming practices (healthy political drivers can create healthy economic incentives).  This means investing in organic polyfarming, as organic farming improves soil quality, reduces erosion, uses less energy and pesticides, eliminates pollution, and benefits wildlife and polyculture farming helps to preserve biodiversity.  This means educating citizens about the effects of their consumption and creating a new global culture that promotes sustainable living through media campaigns, films, theatre, music, and other movements that are within easy reach of the general public.  After all, some deep ecology work needs to be done here… this is a psychological issue as well! What things affect the human psyche so that humanity cannot seem to live more simply and consume a lot less?

I see the Croake Farm in British Columbia as a model of sustainable farming (employing all three of the principles of sustainability).  A major reason why I typically don’t buy farmed fish is because the conditions in which they are grown is usually unhealthy and can lead to disease-ridden fish.  However, it seems as if this farm employs methods of biomimicry to employ a polyaquaculture by raising many species of aquatic life together.  This (1) improves fishery biodiversity, (2) encourages natural cycling processes by improving the environment and encouraging interaction between species, (3) uses kelp to provide nutrients instead of synthetic sources, and (4) makes a healthier product for human consumption.  Especially because according to the Environmental News Network, outbreaks of fish diseases in tropical regions can wipe out entire stores of fish and that excessive uses of antibiotics can actually cause antibiotic resistance.

One of my designs (in a Fordham class project for Ecological Design) for wetland restoration in Arverne Queens.  Our group worked to link the shoreline wildlife refuges together, restore the ecology, and create a boardwalk and community center to give the neighborhood an outlet for outdoor exploration and learning.

One of my designs (in a Fordham class project for Ecological Design) for wetland restoration in Arverne Queens. Our group worked to link the shoreline wildlife refuges together, restore the ecology, and create a boardwalk and community center to give the neighborhood an outlet for outdoor exploration and learning.

In regards to aquatic diversity, I agree with many of the solutions Miller’s text offers.  I think more efforts should be made to map out exactly where the biological hotspots in our earth’s oceans are so we can devote out time and resources efficiently, preserving these hotspots and restoring sections of ecosystems to create a massive web of protected seascapes.  By creating a global network of protected sea ecosystems, more habitats can be saved and entire corridors can be much more biologically productive than random, unconnected marine reserves.  Restoration efforts should also be made alongside conservation efforts, because we should use as many tactics as possible to increase the number of healthy marine ecosystems on earth.   Increasing the amount of healthy under-water ecosystems provides a larger, more productive habitat for sea creatures to spawn and helps oceans become much cleaner, healthier facilitators of carbon cycling.  Also, the restoration of coastal areas, including wetlands, offers huge economical as well as ecological incentives for cities, protecting urban areas from the damaging effects of storms and increasing ecotourism.  All in all, for the sustainability of both agriculture and sea, the public will need to press public officials and companies to make some serious changes.  This will require a bottom-up political strategy of combined boycotting of unsustainable products, vocal support for clean technologies, purchasing of organic food from local markets, and voting for movements that are ecologically sustainable.   By increasing the awareness of the general public about how their food and waters are currently managed, hopefully people can make smarter ideas about how to change their daily habits and lifestyles to more closely model the three principles of sustainability.

Q1: Are fisheries better or worse for the environment than catching wild fish?

Q2: Is it better to try an provide more food for starving countries or is it better to work on birth control methods and let the sick die out?

My Preliminary Practicum Report!


Central Park’s Saturday Green Team

To fulfill the practicum, I am participating in a number of ecological seminars, joining the Environmental Club, and working as a weekend volunteer in Central Park.  In January, I purchased tickets for three seminars from the “Nature and Our Future” series at the New York Academy of Sciences in the World Trade Center, and so far, I have attended two of them (each 1.5 hours long).  The first seminar, Adapting Cities to Climate Change in a Post-Sandy World, had a series of panelists that discussed design and policy solutions to make New York City more sustainable and fortified for bracing storms and climate change by design and the second seminar, From Where Will the Water of the Future Come? had a similar group of panelists discussing the future of water.  I am going to attend the final seminar, The Limits of Our Planet: A Debate come March.  In addition, I attended another seminar about Hurricane Sandy at NYU’s Center for Architecture (2-3 hours long).  I have loved all of the lectures I have been to and I am very excited to experience The Limits of Our Planet: A Debate.

I have also joined the Environmental Club. Like Sarah Zaccagni, I haven’t been too involved yet because the club’s activities haven’t started to ramp up just yet.  As a club member, I hope to work with the cafeteria on composting leftover food and helping restore a vegetable garden on the side of McMahon Hall.

Although I haven’t started yet, I have signed up to be a part of Central Park’s Saturday Green Team till the end of the year, which meets for 3 hours once every other weekend to pull weeds, plant, paint, and things of that nature.  It will be a blessing to spend some quality time outdoors and help out a park that has meant so much to me this past year.

– Joe Reilly

BLOG POST 7: Species and Ecosystem Approaches to Biodiversity Protection


A pair of white tigers. The white tiger is a recessive mutation of the Bengal tiger.

When a species is biologically extinct, that means a species can never be found on earth again, representing an irreversible diversity loss of the world’s natural capital.  Extinction is a process common throughout history, but the rate of extinction, or the number of species that go extinct in a given period of time), has increased dramatically in the past century.  When the species extinction rate reaches a high enough level, around 50-90 percent of the world’s species, it is considered to be a mass extinction, which to human knowledge has probably happened a few times in the distant past.  But according to the 2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, humans might very well be on their way to realizing another mass extinction.  The assessment found that more than 80 percent of the globe’s topography has transfigured (and more often then not, has degraded) from it’s original state, converting natural ecosystems into parking lots, factories, cities, houses, and farmland.  The extinction rate is currently around 1 percent a year, resulting in 25-50 percent of species and biodiversity loss over a half-century’s time.  The rate is even higher in biodiversity hotspots, or places that have suffered less human interference and contain much higher concentrations of species and biological diversity.  As explained by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, loss of habitat to human development is one of the greatest causes of this trend.


World map depicting the terrestrial biodiversity hot spots

Species vary in their proximity to extinction.  The species that are closest to extinction are considered endangered species, followed by threatened species (that have a great enough population to sustain itself in the short term, but most likely not in the long term).  Species are increasingly susceptible to extinction at the hands of humans when they have certain characteristics, such as a low rate of reproduction, a specialized niche, a high trophic level of feeding, and a commercially valuable resource.

Miller outlines a number of reasons why extinction of species and biological diversity can be unhealthy for humanity and the natural world, including the world’s decreased ability to adapt to changing environments, economic services (including ecotourism, natural resources, etc), and humanity’s missed opportunities in biological chemistry for humans to discover cures to human ailments like HIV-AIDS and cancer.


Habitat fragmentation over time

The main, interconnected causes of species extinction can be expressed in the acronym, HIPPCO, signifying Habitat loss, Invasive species, Population growth and increasing use of resources, Pollution, Climate change, and Overexploitation.  The greatest cause of extinction from this list is habitat loss.  This includes melting of polar ice, clear-cutting of forests (especially rainforests), destruction of coral reefs and grasslands, and pollutions of waterways.  One of the most popular forms of habitat loss is called habitat fragmentation, where large tracks of land are divided by a basket weave of infrastructure and development, creating ‘island habitats’.  Concerning invasive species, many non-native plants provide valuable services in agriculture and pest control, but there are some species that can easily ravage an ecosystem. Take for example the Kudzu Vine, which was introduced to the United States from Japan to control erosion.  The Kudzu vine does help control erosion, but it grows so fast that it can swallow and choke entire ecosystems.

The combination of pollution, excessive population growth, and climate change together are another factor of HIPPCO that threatens species diversity.  Pollutants, such as commonly used pesticides, can be the cause of the colony collapse disorder of bees (due to the toxins in pesticides that bees pick up from pollinating crops).  And climate change alone is projected to eliminated 25-50 percent of the land animal biodiversity at the end of the century.


Head of a monkey (example of bushmeat)

Additionally, species are threatened by poachers that kill bush-meat animals to sell for their exotic and rare meat and skins (to satisfy economical as well as nutritional needs) and sometimes animals are poached because the practice is particular to a regional (often tribalist) culture.  While bush meat animals (or any poached animal) might have been prolific in population a long time ago and killing them wouldn’t make much of an impact, the populations and remaining habitats for these animals have drastically dwindled and poaching has become an increasingly harmful practice because of it.

There have been many attempted approaches to save species from extinction.  The United States, for instance, has many wildlife refuges to preserve tracks of land for species to regenerate themselves away from human contact as much as possible.  Such efforts were first successful at wildlife refuges like Pelican Island, which has since allowed for the removal of the Brown Pelican off of the endangered species list, and now there are over 500 wildlife refuges in the United States.  Other forms of habitat conservation for species protection include gene banks, that preserve genetic information and endangered plant species in refrigeration, botanical gardens, that contain and manage many different species of plants, and wildlife farms, that raise certain species in mass numbers so they don’t need to be extracted from their native environment.

Many organizations approach biodiversity loss from an increased focused on species approach.  Oganizations like Panthera and Save the Whales have this animal-centric approach.  Animal rights groups like PETA and the Humane Society are heavily focused on domesticated species, but also work on the rights of mega animals (focus on highly valued megafauna).  These megafauna are apex species at the top of ecopyramids.


Workers restoring a wetland habitat

Some people decide to take a more ecosystem-focused approach, working to reestablish entire ecosystems that support animals instead of focusing on just the animals alone.  People who try to fight extinction and decrease in biodiversity consider the lower trophic levels (as opposed to the higher-trophic megafauna) and natural processes, regardless of how ‘pretty’ they are or not, to be the most important thing to protect.


Old growth forests cut down on the University of Washington campus sometime in the 19th century

The natural capital of an old growth forest is much greater than the sum of it’s parts when they can provide ecological services (when they are left to grow) instead of when they are cut down for raw materials.  Old growth forests, ones that have been untouched by human development for at least a few hundred years, offer the highest density of biodiversity.  Second-growth forests have a secondary ecological succession and most often occur when humans clear cut an old growth forest and repopulate the region with new trees. However, second growth forests don’t have nearly the level of biodiversity as a result.  Many of these second-growth forests are actually tree plantations, or forested land that typically contain two or fewer species of trees that are all relatively the same age and are harvested by timber companies in rotations cycles of between 6-30 or more years.  This method of timber management also degrades the soil from constant cutting, often taking all the nutrients out of the ecosystem with the tree that is cut down. Half of the wood cut down in forests is used for biofuel, and the other half is used for industrial wood (such as paper and lumber).

There are different methods of cutting down forests, including clear cutting (which can lead to high erosion and desertification), strip cutting, and selective cutting.  Strip cutting and selective cutting are not as invasive as clear cutting (and not as cost effective in the short term).  However, cutting is not the only way forests can be damaged.  Fire, insects and climate change can also threaten forest ecosystems, causing deforestation, or the temporary or permanent removal of large expanses of forest for agriculture, settlements, or other uses.

While reforestation efforts and the increase of sustainable practices in the United States have actually increased forest groundcover since the 1920’s with secondary growth forests, tropical deforestation is still rampant.  Some things that countries like the United States have done are to improve the management of forest fires (for example, clearing the highly-flammable, underbrush and small trees, thinning forests near developments, and prescribed burns) as well as reducing the demand for harvested trees in the first place.  After all, according to the Worldwatch Institute and to forestry analysts, “up to 60 percent of the wood consumed in the United States is wasted unnecessarily” (Miller 231).  People can advocate for certification processes on sustainably grown timber, provide debt for nature swaps and conservation concessions with other countries, and plant trees.


A landscape of grasslands

Grasslands provide many of the same benefits as forests, and like forests, are subject to degradation by human development.  Rangelands and prairies are often subject to overgrazing, by which too many cattle eat and trample over too much grass, damaging the grasses and their roots.  Grassland degradation leads to erosion, habitat loss, and desertification.  Effective ways to manage or regenerate grasslands can be as simple as prohibiting grazing and off road vehicle use (as was the case for the San Pedro River) or paying ranchers for conservation easements, or deed restrictions that bar future owners from developing the land.


Hidden Lake in Mount Rainer National Park, Washington State

A major way of protecting these ecosystems (forests, grasslands, and others), at least in the United States, is to maintain national park systems and connect nature reserves.  Worldwide, countries have secured 13 percent of the earth’s land area as national parks, forests, and reserves, and only 5 percent of the earth’s land area is strictly off limits from potentially harmful human activities.  Protecting these kind of wilderness sites is a strong conversationalist way of maintaining biodiversity.  Granted, conserving five percent of the land also means that 95 percent of the world’s land is unprotected and susceptible to human usage.

An ecosystem approach to protect biodiversity is a four point plan that involves (1) mapping the all the species and ecosystems of the world and what services they provide, (2) prioritizing protection for the most endangered ecosystems and species, (3) restoring damaged ecosystems, and (4) providing tax incentives for companies and private land owners who agree to implement practices that protect endangered species and ecosystems.  Protecting biological hotspots is emphasized in an ecosystem approach because these ‘hotspots’ are not only areas that are rich in biodiversity (containing ecosystems and species that cannot be found anywhere else in the world) but also they are especially in danger of extinction by human development.

I believe that preserving ecosystems is far more important than individual species because any species is entirely dependent on the health of it’s surrounding ecosystem.  That isn’t to say that preservation efforts for individual species shouldn’t still go underway; those kinds of efforts can do a lot of good (especially to save keystone species), but but ecosystem preservation, restoration, rehabilitation, and creation does some of the most important work: permanently increasing the amount of land that can maintain healthy habitats for wildlife and facilitate mass, natural cycling.  This would require an interdisciplinary approach, because land preservation, restoration, rehabilitation or creation all would infringe upon areas of economics, property rights, human rights, religious and culture values, historical significance of place, and more.


Possible rendering of Manhattan in 2400 AD, 400 years from the turn of the millenium


Artist rendering of what fracking might look like in Central Park

Ecosystem work can be designed in such a way that can increase the density of urban areas such as Eric Sanderson’s rendering of Manhattan over the next 400 years.  Cities like New York could be so sustainable by restoring wide tracks of land to its natural state (either as productive forests or farms) and designing highly dense, industrial pockets to have a high quality of life in people’s work, play, and school (and provide most everything they need within an easy walking distance or a short train ride).  This kind of city design is both economical (relieving the citizen from needing a car), environmentally friendly (growing food locally while increasing the amount of CO2 cleanup), and historical (returning many of the lands back to the pastures or forests they were a few hundred years ago).  I am also a huge proponent of efforts that bring nature into urban environments, such as wildlife corridors, increased parks, and green infrastructure.  However, while I firmly believe that people’s quality of life increases greatly when their city is infused with nature/parks, I also wonder if people who live in green cities would lose sight of the fact that the rest of the world might still be ecologically devastated.  Perhaps every city should have a big, beautiful green park and at the center of it, detonate a small amount of TNT to leave a 100-200 ft. in diameter hole of destruction, reminding people how important it is to save the environment.  Maybe a little patch of ugly can go a long way in conservation.   Or perhaps it won’t do anything.  But imagine if a big chunk of Central Park got bulldozed! This might offer a chance to rethink our ethical consideration of the environment.  Ethically, is it right to manufacture at the reate we manufacture?  Where can human development draw the line between respecting and disrespecting the environment?  Maybe then people would take conservation of far-off wilderness areas more seriously before companies try to mine the earth for scarce resources.


Wangari Maathai

Looking outside of urban centers, I believe there should be efforts made to conserve and restore our ecosystems, decease human demand for natural resources, and make protecting biodiversity a financially beneficial enterprise.  Implementing these kinds of changes doesn’t require a single, magical cure: the answer is comprised of many types of efforts.  These efforts must include tax incentives for sustainable business practices and government preservation and maintenance of ecosystems.  I am also incredibly inspired by the work of Wangari Maathai and the Green Belt Movement.  What I love about the movement she started is that her efforts didn’t work to restore the land’s natural capital and ecosystem services, but it additionally restored the dignity and livelihood of many women.  It seems to be one of the best cases of a positive feedback loop in favor of environmental sustainability! More positive feedback loops of this nature should be implemented.


Children playing at dusk

Also, there must be some kind of way to increase the cost of unsustainable practices (like clear cut forestry) so as to make environmental stewardship a cost effective endeavor.  I also like what the students said in their presentation on Chapter 10 about asking logging companies to practice selective cutting and plant multiple species of trees to maintain biodiversity.  I think we should also capitalize on ecotourism, granting legal protection to more ecosystems near urban areas and inviting the population to explore the wilderness, learn about the environment, and be inspired to make positive changes in their lifestyle to decrease their ecological footprint and live by the three principles of sustainability.

Question One: What kind of forestry harvesting method (clear cutting, selective cutting, strip cutting) would work the best in my hometown, Seattle, Washington?

Question Two: Should efforts be made to create wildlife habitats within urban environments or should we simply try to separate wildlife habitats from urban centers?

Word Count: 2,500